require "os/linux/glibc" class BrewedGlibcNotOlderRequirement < Requirement fatal true satisfy(build_env: false) do Glibc.version >= OS::Linux::Glibc.system_version end def message <<~EOS Your system's glibc version is #{OS::Linux::Glibc.system_version}, and Homebrew's glibc version is #{Glibc.version}. Installing a version of glibc that is older than your system's can break formulae installed from source. EOS end def display_s "System glibc < #{Glibc.version}" end end class LinuxKernelRequirement < Requirement fatal true MINIMUM_LINUX_KERNEL_VERSION = "2.6.32".freeze satisfy(build_env: false) do OS.kernel_version >= MINIMUM_LINUX_KERNEL_VERSION end def message <<~EOS Linux kernel version #{MINIMUM_LINUX_KERNEL_VERSION} or later is required by glibc. Your system has Linux kernel version #{OS.kernel_version}. EOS end def display_s "Linux kernel #{MINIMUM_LINUX_KERNEL_VERSION} (or later)" end end class Glibc < Formula desc "GNU C Library" homepage "" url "" sha256 "3e8e0c6195da8dfbd31d77c56fb8d99576fb855fafd47a9e0a895e51fd5942d4" license all_of: ["GPL-2.0-or-later", "LGPL-2.1-or-later"] revision 1 livecheck do skip "glibc is pinned to the version present in Homebrew CI" end bottle do sha256 x86_64_linux: "274dd06ae6ecaee3025d6bf21cf4c7641df9a1cc3973e162911a1f4a76000a24" end keg_only "it can shadow system glibc if linked" depends_on BrewedGlibcNotOlderRequirement depends_on :linux depends_on "linux-headers@5.15" depends_on LinuxKernelRequirement # Automatic bootstrapping is only supported for Intel. on_intel do resource "bootstrap-binutils" do url "" sha256 "a2971fd77743a1d82242736c646bfa201137a4df28d829b1aa7f556fc57215e2" end resource "bootstrap-bison" do url "" sha256 "f914c0dee9fc8a200f6607d52a2d25c253b665d02aaac360711ebd5fbd9cb346" end resource "bootstrap-gawk" do url "" sha256 "ec3f0115b156b418a189f9868aaa0655f18c40f5c40f437e407ac60b7c749e0a" end resource "bootstrap-gcc" do url "" sha256 "d549cf096864de5da77b4f068fab3741636206f3b7ace593b46a226d726f4538" end resource "bootstrap-make" do url "" sha256 "aa684eff83e5a986391475547c29b3ade04a307aa5730866aa5d2caa905e7166" end resource "bootstrap-python3" do url "" sha256 "93d258ab9240d247a66322926deb6728e2aa7877711196fde02d716c20ada490" end resource "bootstrap-sed" do url "" sha256 "404f86a92a15303f9b08960712ee8a8b398efc345d80b4e0401dd9ef82452046" end end def install # Automatic bootstrapping is only supported for Intel. if # Set up bootstrap resources in /tmp/homebrew. bootstrap_dir ="/tmp/homebrew") bootstrap_dir.mkpath resources.each do |r| r.stage do cp_r Pathname.pwd.children, bootstrap_dir end end # Add bootstrap resources to PATH. ENV.prepend_path "PATH", bootstrap_dir/"bin" # Make sure we use the bootstrap GCC rather than other compilers. ENV["CC"] = bootstrap_dir/"bin/gcc" ENV["CXX"] = bootstrap_dir/"bin/g++" # The MAKE variable must be set to the bootstrap make - including it in the path is not enough. ENV["MAKE"] = bootstrap_dir/"bin/make" # Add -march=core2 and -O2 when building in CI since we are not using the compiler shim. ENV.append "CFLAGS", "-march=core2 -O2" if ENV["HOMEBREW_GITHUB_ACTIONS"] end # Setting RPATH breaks glibc. %w[ LDFLAGS LD_LIBRARY_PATH LD_RUN_PATH LIBRARY_PATH HOMEBREW_DYNAMIC_LINKER HOMEBREW_LIBRARY_PATHS HOMEBREW_RPATH_PATHS ].each { |x| ENV.delete x } # Use brewed rather than the hotst's /etc/ inreplace "elf/rtld.c", '= "/etc/";', '= SYSCONFDIR "/";' mkdir "build" do args = [ "--disable-crypt", "--disable-debug", "--disable-dependency-tracking", "--disable-silent-rules", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--sysconfdir=#{etc}", "--enable-obsolete-rpc", "--without-gd", "--without-selinux", "--with-binutils=#{bootstrap_dir}/bin", "--with-headers=#{Formula["linux-headers@5.15"].include}", ] system "../configure", *args system "make", "all" system "make", "install" prefix.install_symlink "lib" => "lib64" end # Add (will be written to HOMEBREW_PREFIX/etc/ atomic_write_with_mode etc/"", <<~EOS # This file is generated by Homebrew. Do not modify. #{opt_lib} # ensure Homebrew Glibc always comes first include #{ld_so_conf_d}/*.conf EOS # Create directories mkpath_with_mode ld_so_conf_d # Add README in etc/ atomic_write_with_mode ld_so_conf_d/"README", <<~EOS This is the Homebrew's ld configuration directory .conf files in this directory will be loaded automatically by ldconfig. Files will be included in lexicographical order, so you can control the order of files with a prefix, e.g.: 00-first.conf 50-middle.conf 99-last.conf EOS # Add Homebrew lib to ld search paths atomic_write_with_mode ld_so_conf_d/"90-homebrew.conf", "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/lib" # Add system ld search paths (disabled by default) atomic_write_with_mode system_ld_so_conf, <<~EOS # The system ld search paths # # If you want Homebrew's to search for libraries in the system paths, # remove the "#{system_ld_so_conf.extname}" suffix of this file. # Mixing the Homebrew and system library search paths is very risky and can # cause problems. Please do this only if you know what you are doing, i.e., at # your own risk. include /etc/ EOS rm_f etc/"" ensure # Delete bootstrap binaries after build is finished. rm_rf bootstrap_dir end def post_install # Rebuild ldconfig cache rm_f etc/"" system sbin/"ldconfig" # Compile locale definition files mkdir_p lib/"locale" # Get all extra installed locales from the system, except C locales locales = do |k, v| v if k[/^LANG$|^LC_/] && v != "C" && !v.start_with?("C.") end.compact # en_US.UTF-8 is required by gawk make check locales = (locales + ["en_US.UTF-8"]).sort.uniq ohai "Installing locale data for #{locales.join(" ")}" locales.each do |locale| lang, charmap = locale.split(".", 2) if charmap.present? charmap = "UTF-8" if charmap == "utf8" system bin/"localedef", "-i", lang, "-f", charmap, locale else system bin/"localedef", "-i", lang, locale end end # Set the local time zone sys_localtime = Pathname("/etc/localtime") brew_localtime = prefix/"etc/localtime" (prefix/"etc").install_symlink sys_localtime if sys_localtime.exist? && brew_localtime.exist? # Set zoneinfo correctly using the system installed zoneinfo sys_zoneinfo = Pathname("/usr/share/zoneinfo") brew_zoneinfo = share/"zoneinfo" share.install_symlink sys_zoneinfo if sys_zoneinfo.exist? && !brew_zoneinfo.exist? end def caveats <<~EOS The Homebrew's Glibc has been installed with the following executables: #{opt_bin}/ldd #{opt_bin}/ #{opt_sbin}/ldconfig By default, Homebrew's linker will not search for the system's libraries. If you want Homebrew to do so, run: cp "#{system_ld_so_conf}" "#{ld_so_conf_d}/#{system_ld_so_conf.stem}" brew postinstall glibc to append the system libraries to Homebrew's ld search paths. This is risky and **highly not recommended**, because it may cause linkage to Homebrew libraries mixed with system libraries. EOS end test do assert_match "Usage", shell_output("#{bin}/ --help") safe_system "#{lib}/", "--version" safe_system "#{bin}/locale", "--version" end def ld_so_conf_d etc/"" end def system_ld_so_conf ld_so_conf_d/"" end def atomic_write_with_mode(path, content, mode: "u=rw,go-wx") file = Pathname(path) file.atomic_write("#{content.chomp}\n") return if mode.blank? # Mode can be a string, use FileUtils.chmod chmod mode, file end def mkpath_with_mode(path, mode: "go-wx", recursive: false) dir = Pathname(path) dir.mkpath return if mode.blank? # Mode can be a string, use FileUtils.chmod or FileUtils.chmod_R if recursive chmod_R mode, dir else chmod mode, dir end end end