require 'formula' class FrameworkPython < Requirement def message; <<-EOS.undent Python needs to be built as a framework. EOS end def satisfied? q = `python -c "import distutils.sysconfig as c; print(c.get_config_var('PYTHONFRAMEWORK'))"` not q.chomp.empty? end def fatal?; true; end end class Wxmac < Formula homepage '' url '' sha1 '0202f64e1e99fb69d22d7be0d38cf7dcf3d80d79' def options [['--no-python', 'Do not build Python bindings']] end depends_on unless ARGV.include? "--no-python" def patches # webkit and clang 3.x needs fix for wx(Python) if MacOS.clang_version.to_f >= 3.0 { :p0 => "" } end end def install_wx_python args = [ # Reference our wx-config "WX_CONFIG=#{bin}/wx-config", # At this time Wxmac is installed Unicode only "UNICODE=1", # And thus we have no need for multiversion support "INSTALL_MULTIVERSION=0", # OpenGL and stuff "BUILD_GLCANVAS=1", "BUILD_GIZMOS=1", "BUILD_STC=1" ] cd "wxPython" do ENV.append_to_cflags '-arch x86_64' if MacOS.prefer_64_bit? system "python", "", "build_ext", "WXPORT=osx_cocoa", *args system "python", "", "install", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "WXPORT=osx_cocoa", *args end end def install args = [ "--disable-debug", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--enable-unicode", "--enable-std_string", "--enable-display", "--with-opengl", "--with-osx_cocoa", "--with-libjpeg", "--with-libtiff", "--with-libpng", "--with-zlib", "--enable-dnd", "--enable-clipboard", "--enable-webkit", "--enable-svg", "--with-expat", "--with-macosx-version-min=#{MacOS.version}" # need to set this, to avoid configure defaulting to 10.5 ] system "./configure", *args system "make install" unless ARGV.include? "--no-python" ENV['WXWIN'] = Dir.getwd # We have already downloaded wxPython in a bundle with wxWidgets install_wx_python end end def caveats s = '' unless ARGV.include? '--no-python' q = `python -c "import distutils.sysconfig as c; print(c.get_config_var('PYTHONFRAMEWORK'))"` if q.chomp.empty? s += <<-EOS.undent Python bindings require that Python be built as a Framework. EOS end end return s end end