require 'formula' class Symphony < Formula homepage '' url '' sha1 'afc38ee5655b52fc3fa0a5854b5cc5a7f31618cc' option "enable-openmp", "Enable openmp support" option "with-gmpl", "GNU Modeling Language support via GLPK" def install args = ["--disable-debug", "--disable-dependency-tracking", "--enable-shared=no", # can't get shared libs to work "--enable-static-executable", "--prefix=#{prefix}"] if build.include? "with-gmpl" # Symphony uses a patched version of GLPK for reading MPL files. # Use a private version rather than require the Homebrew version of GLPK. cd 'ThirdParty/Glpk' do system "./get.Glpk" end ENV.append "CPPFLAGS", "-I#{buildpath}/ThirdParty/Glpk/glpk/src" ENV.append "CDEFS", "-DUSE_GLPMPL" args << "--with-gmpl" end if build.include? "enable-openmp" inreplace 'SYMPHONY/config', /^SYM_COMPILE_IN_LP = TRUE/, "SYM_COMPILE_IN_LP = FALSE" args << "--enable-openmp" end system "./configure", *args system "make" system "make install" end end