require 'formula' class Go < Formula homepage '' url ''; version '1.1.1' sha1 'f365aed8183e487a48a66ace7bf36e5974dffbb3' head '' skip_clean 'bin' option 'cross-compile-all', "Build the cross-compilers and runtime support for all supported platforms" option 'cross-compile-common', "Build the cross-compilers and runtime support for darwin, linux and windows" fails_with :clang do cause "clang: error: no such file or directory: 'libgcc.a'" end def install # install the completion scripts bash_completion.install 'misc/bash/go' => 'go-completion.bash' zsh_completion.install 'misc/zsh/go' => 'go' if build.include? 'cross-compile-all' targets = [ ['linux', ['386', 'amd64', 'arm'], { :cgo => false }], ['freebsd', ['386', 'amd64'], { :cgo => false }], ['netbsd', ['386', 'amd64'], { :cgo => false }], ['openbsd', ['386', 'amd64'], { :cgo => false }], ['windows', ['386', 'amd64'], { :cgo => false }], # Host platform (darwin/amd64) must always come last ['darwin', ['386', 'amd64'], { :cgo => true }], ] elsif build.include? 'cross-compile-common' targets = [ ['linux', ['386', 'amd64', 'arm'], { :cgo => false }], ['windows', ['386', 'amd64'], { :cgo => false }], # Host platform (darwin/amd64) must always come last ['darwin', ['386', 'amd64'], { :cgo => true }], ] else targets = [ ['darwin', [''], { :cgo => true }] ] end # The version check is due to: #'VERSION').write 'default' if build.head? cd 'src' do # Build only. Run `brew test go` to run distrib's tests. targets.each do |(os, archs, opts)| archs.each do |arch| ENV['GOROOT_FINAL'] = prefix ENV['GOOS'] = os ENV['GOARCH'] = arch ENV['CGO_ENABLED'] = opts[:cgo] ? "1" : "0" allow_fail = opts[:allow_fail] ? "|| true" : "" system "./make.bash --no-clean #{allow_fail}" end end end # cleanup ENV ENV.delete('GOROOT_FINAL') ENV.delete('GOOS') ENV.delete('GOARCH') ENV.delete('CGO_ENABLED')'pkg/obj').rmtree # Don't install header files; they aren't necessary and can # cause problems with other builds. # See: # # prefix.install(Dir['*'] - ['include']) end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent The go get command no longer allows $GOROOT as the default destination in Go 1.1 when downloading package source. To use the go get command, a valid $GOPATH is now required. As a result of the previous change, the go get command will also fail when $GOPATH and $GOROOT are set to the same value. More information here: EOS end test do (testpath/'hello.go').write <<-EOS.undent package main import "fmt" func main() { fmt.Println("Hello World") } EOS # Run go vet check for no errors then run the program. # This is a a bare minimum of go working as it uses vet, build, and run. assert_empty `#{bin}/go vet hello.go` assert_equal "Hello World\n", `#{bin}/go run hello.go` end end