class Redis < Formula desc "Persistent key-value database, with built-in net interface" homepage "" url "" sha256 "67d624c25d962bd68aff8812a135df85bad07556b8825f3bcd5b522a9932dbca" license "BSD-3-Clause" head "", branch: "unstable" livecheck do url "" regex(/href=.*?redis[._-]v?(\d+(?:\.\d+)+)\.t/i) end bottle do sha256 cellar: :any, arm64_big_sur: "f8ed0f21c176387b525adf51f567c072e23fb1c6161ab5797fe5a1b3c128392c" sha256 cellar: :any, big_sur: "9a28bcf5d699ecfce7e397ddc13f0b72b9d56864ccd496a69f69ed47619f1484" sha256 cellar: :any, catalina: "1fff83f294b9b58f85dbee934670de5cf3a95209b44503297f09fe801ca2fc1a" sha256 cellar: :any, mojave: "b3d05517bf9cd8e2966df895331c44b3efa8f4d55f2851dab97cbb31b8920051" end depends_on "openssl@1.1" def install system "make", "install", "PREFIX=#{prefix}", "CC=#{}", "BUILD_TLS=yes" %w[run db/redis log].each { |p| (var/p).mkpath } # Fix up default conf file to match our paths inreplace "redis.conf" do |s| s.gsub! "/var/run/", var/"run/" s.gsub! "dir ./", "dir #{var}/db/redis/" s.sub!(/^bind .*$/, "bind ::1") end etc.install "redis.conf" etc.install "sentinel.conf" => "redis-sentinel.conf" end plist_options manual: "redis-server #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/etc/redis.conf" def plist <<~EOS KeepAlive SuccessfulExit Label #{plist_name} ProgramArguments #{opt_bin}/redis-server #{etc}/redis.conf --daemonize no RunAtLoad WorkingDirectory #{var} StandardErrorPath #{var}/log/redis.log StandardOutPath #{var}/log/redis.log EOS end test do system bin/"redis-server", "--test-memory", "2" %w[run db/redis log].each { |p| assert_predicate var/p, :exist?, "#{var/p} doesn't exist!" } end end