require 'formula' class Smlnj < Formula url '' homepage '' md5 '19dc682fa29441b0980b50b9842861bb' version '110.73' def targets <<-EOS request ml-ulex request ml-ulex-mllex-tool request ml-lex request ml-lex-lex-ext request ml-yacc request ml-yacc-grm-ext request ml-antlr request ml-lpt-lib request ml-burg request smlnj-lib request tdp-util request cml request cml-lib request mlrisc request ckit request heap2asm EOS end def install ENV.deparallelize # smlnj is much easier to build if we do so in the directory where it # will be installed. Thus, we're moving it to the prefix to be built # there. Dir.chdir '..' libexec.install 'config' rm (libexec+'config/targets') # Rewrite targets list (libexec+'config/targets').write targets Dir.chdir libexec system 'config/' end def caveats <<-EOS.undent This formula spews ML files all over lib, and puts hidden subfolders in bin. Because of this, we've installed it to: #{libexec} and we haven't linked it into #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX} You'll need to add: #{libexec}/bin to your PATH. Improvements are welcome. EOS end end