class Z3 < Formula desc "High-performance theorem prover" homepage "" url "" sha256 "c9fd04b9b33be74fffaac3ec2bc2c320d1a4cc32e395203c55126b12a14ff3f4" license "MIT" head "" livecheck do url "" regex(%r{href=.*?/tag/z3[._-]v?(\d+(?:\.\d+)+)["' >]}i) end bottle do cellar :any sha256 "ec93e6adf6c98ad275de3aa4c2b81dc28e73d3b5dabf09f00ad0331bc477c196" => :catalina sha256 "6d8fe5edae3dbffef24fc3e65c5102a4d58a5ef62594a508f2042bec068b10a1" => :mojave sha256 "1ef6ec089f5a3b42b9e9be906ddb99d7538984b58310051acc90e2a92af4146c" => :high_sierra end # Has Python bindings but are supplementary to the main library # which does not need Python. depends_on "python@3.8" => :build def install python3 = Formula["python@3.8"].opt_bin/"python3" xy = Language::Python.major_minor_version python3 system python3, "scripts/", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--python", "--pypkgdir=#{lib}/python#{xy}/site-packages", "--staticlib" cd "build" do system "make" system "make", "install" end system "make", "-C", "contrib/qprofdiff" bin.install "contrib/qprofdiff/qprofdiff" pkgshare.install "examples" end test do system, "-I#{include}", "-L#{lib}", "-lz3", pkgshare/"examples/c/test_capi.c", "-o", testpath/"test" system "./test" end end