class Mpw < Formula desc "Stateless/deterministic password and identity manager" homepage "" url "" version "2.6-cli-5" sha256 "954c07b1713ecc2b30a07bead9c11e6204dd774ca67b5bdf7d2d6ad1c4eec170" license "GPL-3.0" revision 2 head "" livecheck do url :head regex(/^v?(\d+(?:\.\d+)+.?cli.?\d+)$/i) end bottle do cellar :any sha256 "2f275d762a9c73bd6b3f2e5a7f3f13a9c99ddfc3e2f89a2ededa07ba89b6de40" => :catalina sha256 "9103716223529cd3e2cb969e904892bf2022cb8e73918418f2d3d343d1325c80" => :mojave sha256 "07b89df8d96f9c1cebbf6296a4e98b2bac833c45f736b646a1eba24bd5244732" => :high_sierra end depends_on "json-c" depends_on "libsodium" depends_on "ncurses" def install cd "platform-independent/c/cli" if build.head? ENV["targets"] = "mpw" # not compatible with json-c 0.14 yet ENV["mpw_json"] = "0" ENV["mpw_color"] = "1" system "./build" system "./mpw-cli-tests" bin.install "mpw" end test do assert_equal "Jejr5[RepuSosp", shell_output("#{bin}/mpw -q -Fnone -u 'Robert Lee Mitchell' -M 'banana colored duckling' " \ "-tlong -c1 -a3 ''").strip end end