class Folly < Formula desc "Collection of reusable C++ library artifacts developed at Facebook" homepage "" url "" sha256 "6ec28672a524e1d9d89cdb528d64362b939b4f0afc526767d93aa1ebb2639fc1" license "Apache-2.0" head "", branch: "main" bottle do sha256 cellar: :any, arm64_monterey: "296dd25f8bc82c034b44d6e312b48c0395ad4cd091f0a4aa9035699377114039" sha256 cellar: :any, arm64_big_sur: "a7d321f22a73a9ea0f73d971c96f646695fcbac3c56ff954312d668ab64f25fe" sha256 cellar: :any, monterey: "48d2b6afc5d1a74af4d26002c6627e905f3cae06ea166e0f9401d68932ac7397" sha256 cellar: :any, big_sur: "b22b6ef90b85d3d508ef921506630088d7b7ab53a05c9816c4e5816c8a2e3f85" sha256 cellar: :any, catalina: "34b08153bc0d6261879a83bd640f58bcaa11c0231ea51bd78feb14c3d6ab8b97" sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, x86_64_linux: "3e5174aac08d90a97296997b91e70cff1c5c1827ba3334b2473b30ee760e9480" end depends_on "cmake" => :build depends_on "pkg-config" => :build depends_on "boost" depends_on "double-conversion" depends_on "fmt" depends_on "gflags" depends_on "glog" depends_on "libevent" depends_on "lz4" depends_on "openssl@1.1" depends_on "snappy" depends_on "xz" depends_on "zstd" on_macos do depends_on "llvm" if DevelopmentTools.clang_build_version <= 1100 end on_linux do depends_on "gcc" end fails_with :clang do build 1100 # cause <<-EOS Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64: "std::__1::__fs::filesystem::path::lexically_normal() const" EOS end fails_with gcc: "5" def install ENV.llvm_clang if OS.mac? && (DevelopmentTools.clang_build_version <= 1100) mkdir "_build" do args = std_cmake_args + %w[ -DFOLLY_USE_JEMALLOC=OFF ] system "cmake", "..", *args, "-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON" system "make" system "make", "install" system "make", "clean" system "cmake", "..", *args, "-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF" system "make" lib.install "libfolly.a", "folly/libfollybenchmark.a" end end test do # Force use of Clang rather than LLVM Clang ENV.clang if OS.mac? (testpath/"").write <<~EOS #include int main() { folly::fbvector numbers({0, 1, 2, 3}); numbers.reserve(10); for (int i = 4; i < 10; i++) { numbers.push_back(i * 2); } assert(numbers[6] == 12); return 0; } EOS system ENV.cxx, "-std=c++14", "", "-I#{include}", "-L#{lib}", "-lfolly", "-o", "test" system "./test" end end