require 'formula' class Gnuplot < Formula homepage '' url '' md5 '97a43328e81e57ebed7f135ca0c07e82' head 'cvs://', :using => :cvs depends_on 'pkg-config' => :build depends_on 'readline' depends_on 'pango' depends_on 'pdflib-lite' if ARGV.include? "--pdf" depends_on 'lua' unless ARGV.include? '--nolua' depends_on 'gd' unless ARGV.include? "--nogd" depends_on 'wxmac' if ARGV.include? "--wx" if ARGV.build_head? and MacOS.xcode_version >= "4.3" depends_on "automake" => :build depends_on "libtool" => :build end def options [ ["--pdf", "Build with pdflib-lite support."], ["--wx", "Build with wxWidgets support."], ["--nolua", "Build without lua support."], ["--nogd", "Build without gd support."] ] end def install # Help configure find libraries ENV.x11 readline = Formula.factory 'readline' pdflib = Formula.factory 'pdflib-lite' gd = Formula.factory 'gd' args = ["--disable-debug", "--disable-dependency-tracking", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--with-readline=#{readline.prefix}"] args << "--disable-wxwidgets" unless ARGV.include? "--wx" args << "--with-pdf=#{pdflib.prefix}" if ARGV.include? '--pdf' args << "--without-lua" if ARGV.include? "--nolua" if ARGV.include? '--nogd' args << '--without-gd' else args << "--with-gd=#{gd.prefix}" end system "autoreconf" if ARGV.build_head? system "./configure", *args system "make install" end def test system "#{bin}/gnuplot --version" end end