require 'formula' class Abcmidi < Formula homepage '' url '' version '2013-11-26' sha1 '3e743b2a89404ad5a7d7f51c48cc2a32ba50654b' def install # configure creates a "Makefile" file. A "makefile" file already exist in # the tarball. On case-sensitive file-systems, the "makefile" file won't # be overridden and will be chosen over the "Makefile" file. system "rm", "makefile" system "./configure", "--disable-debug", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--mandir=#{man}" # The Makefile is broken when using --prefix (value is added to path twice). # abcmidi author is notified (2012-06-20). In the meantime, here's a fix. inreplace "Makefile", "$(DESTDIR)${prefix}", "$(DESTDIR)" system "make", "install" end test do system "#{bin}/abc2midi" end end