class Dos2unix < Formula desc "Convert text between DOS, UNIX, and Mac formats" homepage "" url "" mirror "" sha256 "1cd58a60b03ed28fa39046102a185c5e88c4f7665e1e0417c25de7f8b9f78623" livecheck do url "" regex(/href=.*?dos2unix[._-]v?(\d+(?:\.\d+)+)\.t/i) end bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "e361c9877212a1666721d1b62348690d8dd24dadc94ef0f33b582c44b9650ab6" => :catalina sha256 "98ca83a3810ce6daa87546fbe821345859d943f7609389a52c2b59bf6cef03d3" => :mojave sha256 "24f1fc82e112c612641898b1e25d96c9f5b38442566041fce45c3b1aa998af09" => :high_sierra end def install args = %W[ prefix=#{prefix} CC=#{} CPP=#{} CFLAGS=#{ENV.cflags} ENABLE_NLS= install ] system "make", *args end test do # write a file with lf path = testpath/"test.txt" path.write "foo\nbar\n" # unix2mac: convert lf to cr system "#{bin}/unix2mac", path assert_equal "foo\rbar\r", # mac2unix: convert cr to lf system "#{bin}/mac2unix", path assert_equal "foo\nbar\n", # unix2dos: convert lf to cr+lf system "#{bin}/unix2dos", path assert_equal "foo\r\nbar\r\n", # dos2unix: convert cr+lf to lf system "#{bin}/dos2unix", path assert_equal "foo\nbar\n", end end