require 'formula' class OpenMpi < Formula homepage '' url '' sha1 'd32961b83c689e086cede6c964b312e1f3d174f0' option 'disable-fortran', 'Do not build the Fortran bindings' option 'enable-mpi-thread-multiple', 'Enable MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE' option :cxx11 conflicts_with 'mpich2', :because => 'both install mpi__ compiler wrappers' conflicts_with 'lcdf-typetools', :because => 'both install same set of binaries.' depends_on :fortran unless build.include? 'disable-fortran' depends_on 'libevent' def install ENV.cxx11 if build.cxx11? args = %W[ --prefix=#{prefix} --disable-dependency-tracking --disable-silent-rules --enable-ipv6 --with-libevent=#{Formula["libevent"].opt_prefix} ] if build.include? 'disable-fortran' args << '--disable-mpi-f77' << '--disable-mpi-f90' end if build.include? 'enable-mpi-thread-multiple' args << '--enable-mpi-thread-multiple' end system './configure', *args system 'make', 'all' system 'make', 'check' system 'make', 'install' # If Fortran bindings were built, there will be a stray `.mod` file # (Fortran header) in `lib` that needs to be moved to `include`. include.install lib/'mpi.mod' if File.exist? "#{lib}/mpi.mod" # Not sure why the wrapped script has a jar extension - adamv libexec.install bin/'vtsetup.jar' bin.write_jar_script libexec/'vtsetup.jar', 'vtsetup.jar' end end