require 'formula' class Emacs < Formula homepage '' url '' mirror '' sha1 '38e8fbc9573b70a123358b155cf55c274b5a56cf' option "cocoa", "Build a Cocoa version of emacs" option "srgb", "Enable sRGB colors in the Cocoa version of emacs" option "with-x", "Include X11 support" option "use-git-head", "Use Savannah git mirror for HEAD builds" option "keep-ctags", "Don't remove the ctags executable that emacs provides" if build.include? "use-git-head" head '' else head 'bzr://' end depends_on :x11 if build.include? "with-x" fails_with :llvm do build 2334 cause "Duplicate symbol errors while linking." end def patches # Fullscreen patch works against 24.2; already included in HEAD if build.include? "cocoa" and not build.head? "" end end def install # HEAD builds are currently blowing up when built in parallel # as of April 20 2012 ENV.j1 if build.head? args = ["--prefix=#{prefix}", "--without-dbus", "--enable-locallisppath=#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/share/emacs/site-lisp", "--infodir=#{info}/emacs"] if build.head? and File.exists? "./autogen/copy_autogen" opoo "Using copy_autogen" puts "See" system "autogen/copy_autogen" end if build.include? "cocoa" # Patch for color issues described here: # if build.include? "srgb" inreplace "src/nsterm.m", "*col = [NSColor colorWithCalibratedRed: r green: g blue: b alpha: 1.0];", "*col = [NSColor colorWithDeviceRed: r green: g blue: b alpha: 1.0];" end args << "--with-ns" << "--disable-ns-self-contained" system "./configure", *args system "make bootstrap" system "make install" prefix.install "nextstep/" # Follow MacPorts and don't install ctags from emacs. This allows vim # and emacs and ctags to play together without violence. unless build.include? "keep-ctags" (bin/"ctags").unlink (share/man/man1/"ctags.1.gz").unlink end # Replace the symlink with one that avoids starting Cocoa. (bin/"emacs").unlink # Kill the existing symlink (bin/"emacs").write <<-EOS.undent #!/bin/bash #{prefix}/ -nw "$@" EOS (bin/"emacs").chmod 0755 else if build.include? "with-x" # These libs are not specified in xft's .pc. See: # # ENV.append 'LDFLAGS', '-lfreetype -lfontconfig' args << "--with-x" args << "--with-gif=no" << "--with-tiff=no" << "--with-jpeg=no" else args << "--without-x" end system "./configure", *args system "make" system "make install" # Follow MacPorts and don't install ctags from emacs. This allows vim # and emacs and ctags to play together without violence. unless build.include? "keep-ctags" (bin/"ctags").unlink (share/man/man1/"ctags.1.gz").unlink end end end def caveats s = "" if build.include? "cocoa" s += <<-EOS.undent was installed to: #{prefix} To link the application to a normal Mac OS X location: brew linkapps or: ln -s #{prefix}/ /Applications A command line wrapper for the cocoa app was installed to: #{bin}/emacs EOS end s += <<-EOS.undent Because the official bazaar repository might be slow, we include an option for pulling HEAD from an unofficial Git mirror: brew install emacs --HEAD --use-git-head There is inevitably some lag between checkins made to the official Emacs bazaar repository and their appearance on the Savannah mirror. See for the mirror's status. The Emacs devs do not provide support for the git mirror, and they might reject bug reports filed with git version information. Use it at your own risk. Emacs creates an executable `ctags` that stomps on exuberant-ctags. In order to prevent that, we remove `ctags` and its manpage from the emacs build before linking. (Add the flag "--keep-ctags" to keep it.) You can install exuberant-ctags via brew with `brew install ctags`. (exuberant-ctags can provide both vim-style and emacs-style tags.) EOS return s end end