class Httperf < Formula desc "Tool for measuring webserver performance" homepage "" license "GPL-2.0" revision 2 stable do url "" sha256 "e1a0bf56bcb746c04674c47b6cfa531fad24e45e9c6de02aea0d1c5f85a2bf1c" # Upstream patch for OpenSSL 1.1 compatibility # patch do url "" sha256 "69d5003f60f5e46d25813775bbf861366fb751da4e0e4d2fe7530d7bb3f3660a" end end # Until the upstream GitHub repository creates a new release (something after # 0.9.0), we're unable to create a check that can identify new versions. livecheck do skip "No version information available to check" end bottle do rebuild 1 sha256 cellar: :any, arm64_ventura: "cf626f3e9d749e395728ce1ca02b1441be6321989841a0b1135baef10455b739" sha256 cellar: :any, arm64_monterey: "a6976f04d98a5195075909f77587f0c113ed94389a49ab1ff4ddfc263c14c3ea" sha256 cellar: :any, arm64_big_sur: "e8a25cd3891631f61aaaf69682a952ceaa5e680559defd48a0de3eaebe1f1519" sha256 cellar: :any, ventura: "3f61658586cbdac24c810c9b201d8054f9f800046a7ec1b6754e82e49be64244" sha256 cellar: :any, monterey: "72bdd969d2e88750ea3827860143f05756fb0da35f9ce04d185ed9de0f42791f" sha256 cellar: :any, big_sur: "a77143c2960957c7b998ef8259f23f7252264e297c1f8a7f812c7712eec756f3" sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, x86_64_linux: "da0a7ad0ca9b357505cc3c26fa174dd7c4f289e2054e654eb82e2678aad8dc74" end head do url "", branch: "master" depends_on "autoconf" => :build depends_on "automake" => :build depends_on "libtool" => :build end depends_on "openssl@3" def install system "autoreconf", "--force", "--install", "--verbose" if build.head? system "./configure", *std_configure_args system "make", "install" end test do system "#{bin}/httperf", "--version" end end