class Blast < Formula desc "Basic Local Alignment Search Tool" homepage "" url "" version "2.13.0" sha256 "89553714d133daf28c477f83d333794b3c62e4148408c072a1b4620e5ec4feb2" license :public_domain livecheck do url "" regex(/v?(\d+(?:\.\d+)+)/i) end bottle do rebuild 1 sha256 arm64_big_sur: "78881b3e87d3fb5d3fa1aef2a25d8390097432de3a5d10521ca5fb4e7ca56496" sha256 monterey: "e144139a12c6f56996071cb3efcb57b552f937d0dfef61d577f12f9436cf8775" sha256 big_sur: "9d406671f65bb9271f1564d6dcd3dcb7adfda11304c856632c30338b282e5891" sha256 catalina: "9e06f6116d53ee375d166487ffa8dff40a7083dc2fdc70e4f4f2b9a49e96ca11" sha256 x86_64_linux: "3313233f45a9a7cdde4867c98404ea0bf5b10f7827a188b935599a24885a01e1" end depends_on "lmdb" uses_from_macos "cpio" => :build uses_from_macos "bzip2" uses_from_macos "zlib" on_macos do depends_on "libomp" end conflicts_with "proj", because: "both install a `libproj.a` library" fails_with gcc: "5" # C++17 def install cd "c++" do # Boost is only used for unit tests. args = %W[ --prefix=#{prefix} --with-bin-release --with-mt --with-strip --with-experimental=Int8GI --without-debug --without-boost ] # Allow SSE4.2 on some platforms. The --with-bin-release sets --without-sse42 args << "--with-sse42" if && MacOS.version.requires_sse42? if OS.mac? args += ["OPENMP_FLAGS=-Xpreprocessor -fopenmp", "LDFLAGS=-lomp"] end system "./configure", *args # Fix the error: install: ReleaseMT/lib/*.*: No such file or directory system "make" system "make", "install" end end test do output = shell_output("#{bin}/ --showall") assert_match "nt", output (testpath/"test.fasta").write <<~EOS >U00096.2:1-70 AGCTTTTCATTCTGACTGCAACGGGCAATATGTCTCTGTGTGGATTAAAAAAAGAGTGTCTGATAGCAGC EOS output = shell_output("#{bin}/blastn -query test.fasta -subject test.fasta") assert_match "Identities = 70/70", output # Create BLAST database output = shell_output("#{bin}/makeblastdb -in test.fasta -out testdb -dbtype nucl") assert_match "Adding sequences from FASTA", output # Check newly created BLAST database output = shell_output("#{bin}/blastdbcmd -info -db testdb") assert_match "Database: test", output end end