class Ford < Formula include Language::Python::Virtualenv desc "Automatic documentation generator for modern Fortran programs" homepage "" url "" sha256 "95b743ea25c5a9c6a9e13db3633e04f91e11d1debb69f48ca3ef7fefc51f0559" license "GPL-3.0-or-later" head "", branch: "master" bottle do sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, arm64_monterey: "e30c75bc66985872ca061915d73c6a0fbb5acf8d2a357429c666b40cb7238796" sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, arm64_big_sur: "4090c066a1046d91e2717929e3d934a852427b5e8e6932d5c58a1f149a2f0932" sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, monterey: "97f6fc98e88524c1d6483501f4a80d59eff476510c6c3eab95ccb4f726af0b68" sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, big_sur: "d2202d8ab39f1aae07eceed1400e3fa002df838d84e41fcd8a6af62546803399" sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, catalina: "7d56b3bc4f14b283ad116f2376e68b94e0dff0bf9ffb1b52571dd05e15987f9c" sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, x86_64_linux: "12e38adb4a3d2b4eed5d9852a70d663ce6938e2d74ee86e7c586183266cc85a7" end depends_on "graphviz" depends_on "python@3.9" uses_from_macos "libxml2" uses_from_macos "libxslt" resource "beautifulsoup4" do url "" sha256 "ad9aa55b65ef2808eb405f46cf74df7fcb7044d5cbc26487f96eb2ef2e436693" end resource "graphviz" do url "" sha256 "76bdfb73f42e72564ffe9c7299482f9d72f8e6cb8d54bce7b48ab323755e9ba5" end resource "importlib-metadata" do url "" sha256 "ea4c597ebf37142f827b8f39299579e31685c31d3a438b59f469406afd0f2539" end resource "Jinja2" do url "" sha256 "31351a702a408a9e7595a8fc6150fc3f43bb6bf7e319770cbc0db9df9437e852" end resource "Markdown" do url "" sha256 "cbb516f16218e643d8e0a95b309f77eb118cb138d39a4f27851e6a63581db874" end resource "markdown-include" do url "" sha256 "6f5d680e36f7780c7f0f61dca53ca581bd50d1b56137ddcd6353efafa0c3e4a2" end resource "MarkupSafe" do url "" sha256 "7f91197cc9e48f989d12e4e6fbc46495c446636dfc81b9ccf50bb0ec74b91d4b" end resource "Pygments" do url "" sha256 "5eb116118f9612ff1ee89ac96437bb6b49e8f04d8a13b514ba26f620208e26eb" end resource "python-markdown-math" do url "" sha256 "8564212af679fc18d53f38681f16080fcd3d186073f23825c7ce86fadd3e3635" end resource "soupsieve" do url "" sha256 "fc53893b3da2c33de295667a0e19f078c14bf86544af307354de5fcf12a3f30d" end resource "toposort" do url "" sha256 "ddc2182c42912a440511bd7ff5d3e6a1cabc3accbc674a3258c8c41cbfbb2125" end resource "tqdm" do url "" sha256 "40be55d30e200777a307a7585aee69e4eabb46b4ec6a4b4a5f2d9f11e7d5408d" end resource "zipp" do url "" sha256 "56bf8aadb83c24db6c4b577e13de374ccfb67da2078beba1d037c17980bf43ad" end def install virtualenv_install_with_resources doc.install "2008standard.pdf", "2003standard.pdf" pkgshare.install "example/" end test do (testpath/"").write <<~EOS project_dir: ./src output_dir: ./doc project_github: project_website: summary: Some Fortran program which I wrote. author: John Doe author_description: I program stuff in Fortran. github: email: predocmark: > docmark_alt: # predocmark_alt: < macro: TEST LOGIC=.true. This is a project which I wrote. This file will provide the documents. I'm writing the body of the text here. It contains an overall description of the project. It might explain how to go about installing/compiling it. It might provide a change-log for the code. Maybe it will talk about the history and/or motivation for this software. @Note You can include any notes (or bugs, warnings, or todos) like so. You can have as many paragraphs as you like here and can use headlines, links, images, etc. Basically, you can use anything in Markdown and Markdown-Extra. Furthermore, you can insert LaTeX into your documentation. So, for example, you can provide inline math using like \( y = x^2 \) or math on its own line like \[ x = \sqrt{y} \] or $$ e = mc^2. $$ You can even use LaTeX environments! So you can get numbered equations like this: \begin{equation} PV = nRT \end{equation} So let your imagination run wild. As you can tell, I'm more or less just filling in space now. This will be the last sentence. EOS mkdir testpath/"src" do (testpath/"src"/"ford_test_program.f90").write <<~EOS program ford_test_program !! Simple Fortran program to demonstrate the usage of FORD and to test its installation use iso_fortran_env, only: output_unit, real64 implicit none real (real64) :: global_pi = acos(-1) !! a global variable, initialized to the value of pi write(output_unit,'(A)') 'Small test program' call do_stuff(20) contains subroutine do_stuff(repeat) !! This is documentation for our subroutine that does stuff and things. !! This text is captured by ford integer, intent(in) :: repeat !! The number of times to repeatedly do stuff and things integer :: i !! internal loop counter ! the main content goes here and this is comment is not processed by FORD do i=1,repeat global_pi = acos(-1) end do end subroutine end program EOS end system "#{bin}/ford", testpath/"" assert_predicate testpath/"doc"/"index.html", :exist? end end