class Teleport < Formula desc "Modern SSH server for teams managing distributed infrastructure" homepage "" url "" sha256 "a44a48ed50846687ff48c6e368269e980de38a4c5baec30b6ba844d9348bcff9" license "Apache-2.0" head "", branch: "master" # We check the Git tags instead of using the `GithubLatest` strategy, as the # "latest" version can be incorrect. As of writing, two major versions of # `teleport` are being maintained side by side and the "latest" tag can point # to a release from the older major version. livecheck do url :stable regex(/^v?(\d+(?:\.\d+)+)$/i) end bottle do sha256 cellar: :any, arm64_monterey: "2bf20e75d4968f6cd27365c99f91b4562cba72b17c1786479ec6ba74a23d5b88" sha256 cellar: :any, arm64_big_sur: "407a18c3f8b2e0008d54cce706b5fb23c553ee3cd1f641d5e6de8d3c35020267" sha256 cellar: :any, monterey: "30a111a7591bac47410d595d350d42b20eb7bf98ea3aec6f30253a4a129287d3" sha256 cellar: :any, big_sur: "f6e4d3a7f20242e96658dde4effa268e6ba269744639e9fa0f917f7606596dfd" sha256 cellar: :any, catalina: "57948467bea60c12e0dc39fd07d570a8b968977cbc27ea83de71d6252a2cb726" sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, x86_64_linux: "37606210ed3461f9978cf39a979296046b950fc8f939e8a1c909fd5db70caa7b" end depends_on "go" => :build depends_on "pkg-config" => :build depends_on "libfido2" uses_from_macos "curl" => :test uses_from_macos "netcat" => :test uses_from_macos "zip" conflicts_with "etsh", because: "both install `tsh` binaries" # Keep this in sync with{version} resource "webassets" do url "" sha256 "e2c021a28b5befa00a162fb9baf0930c626d62a2549cbb9589244225da931850" end def install (buildpath/"webassets").install resource("webassets") ENV.deparallelize { system "make", "full", "FIDO2=dynamic" } bin.install Dir["build/*"] end test do curl_output = shell_output("curl \"{version}\"") assert_match JSON.parse(curl_output)["sha"], resource("webassets").url assert_match version.to_s, shell_output("#{bin}/teleport version") assert_match version.to_s, shell_output("#{bin}/tsh version") assert_match version.to_s, shell_output("#{bin}/tctl version") mkdir testpath/"data" (testpath/"config.yml").write <<~EOS version: v2 teleport: nodename: testhost data_dir: #{testpath}/data log: output: stderr severity: WARN EOS fork do exec "#{bin}/teleport start --roles=proxy,node,auth --config=#{testpath}/config.yml" end sleep 10 system "curl", "--insecure", "https://localhost:3080" status = shell_output("#{bin}/tctl --config=#{testpath}/config.yml status") assert_match(/Cluster\s*testhost/, status) assert_match(/Version\s*#{version}/, status) end end