require 'formula' class Xapian < Formula homepage '' url '' sha1 'ae5edc64671c5f32a3a24abf8cc3028cb56f6c6b' option "java", "Java bindings" option "php", "PHP bindings" option "ruby", "Ruby bindings" depends_on :python => :optional resource 'bindings' do url '' sha1 '0cffc6ae2df295d2f8bc052831ed225e60236e92' end skip_clean :la def build_any_bindings? build.include? 'ruby' or build.with? 'python' or build.include? 'java' or build.include? 'php' end def install system "./configure", "--disable-dependency-tracking", "--prefix=#{prefix}" system "make install" return unless build_any_bindings? resource('bindings').stage do args = %W[ --disable-dependency-tracking --prefix=#{prefix} XAPIAN_CONFIG=#{bin}/xapian-config --without-csharp --without-tcl ] if build.include? 'java' args << '--with-java' else args << '--without-java' end if build.include? 'ruby' ruby_site = lib+'ruby/site_ruby' ENV['RUBY_LIB'] = ENV['RUBY_LIB_ARCH'] = ruby_site args << '--with-ruby' else args << '--without-ruby' end if build.with? 'python' ENV['PYTHON_LIB'] = python.site_packages args << "--with-python" else args << "--without-python" end if build.include? 'php' extension_dir = lib+'php/extensions' extension_dir.mkpath args << "--with-php" << "PHP_EXTENSION_DIR=#{extension_dir}" else args << "--without-php" end system "./configure", *args system "make install" end end def caveats s = '' s += python.standard_caveats if python if build.include? 'ruby' s += <<-EOS.undent You may need to add the Ruby bindings to your RUBYLIB from: #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/lib/ruby/site_ruby EOS end return s.empty? ? nil : s end end