require 'formula' class OpenBabel < Formula homepage '' url '' sha1 'b8831a308617d1c78a790479523e43524f07d50d' option 'with-cairo', 'Support PNG depiction' option 'with-java', 'Compile Java language bindings' depends_on 'pkg-config' => :build depends_on 'cmake' => :build depends_on :python => :optional depends_on 'wxmac' => :optional depends_on 'cairo' => :optional depends_on 'eigen' if build.with?('python') || build.with?('java') # Patch to fix Molecule.draw() in pybel in accordance with upstream commit df59c4a630cf753723d1318c40479d48b7507e1c def patches "" end def install args = %W[ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=#{prefix} ] args << "-DJAVA_BINDINGS=ON" if build.with? 'java' args << "-DBUILD_GUI=ON" if build.with? 'wxmac' # Looking for Cairo in HOMEBREW_PREFIX # setting the arguments separately, joining them in one string fails with the 'system "cmake", *args' command args << "-DCAIRO_INCLUDE_DIRS='#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/include/cairo'" if build.with? 'cairo' args << "-DCAIRO_LIBRARIES='#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/lib/libcairo.dylib'" if build.with? 'cairo' python do args << "-DPYTHON_BINDINGS=ON" # For Xcode-only systems, the headers of system's python are inside of Xcode: args << "-DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR='#{python.incdir}'" # Cmake picks up the system's python dylib, even if we have a brewed one: args << "-DPYTHON_LIBRARY='#{python.libdir}/lib#{python.xy}.dylib'" args << "-DPYTHON_PACKAGES_PATH='#{python.site_packages}'" end args << '..' mkdir 'build' do system "cmake", *args system "make" system "make install" end python do python.site_packages.install lib/'', lib/'', lib/'' end end def caveats s = '' s += python.standard_caveats if python s += <<-EOS.undent Java libraries are installed to #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/lib so this path should be included in the CLASSPATH environment variable. EOS end end