require 'formula' class Salt < Formula homepage '' url '' sha1 '7f6e36e78199d8dec0458b464643e1e90fc51282' version '2.4' depends_on :fortran conflicts_with 'fastbit', :because => 'both install `include/filter.h`' resource 'data' do url '' sha1 '92c34fe3363fe6a88c8cda75c543503a9b3196f7' end resource '03d4ag' do url '' sha1 'b227f5e50ea227375720f3c00dd849f964cfa2ba' end def install ENV.deparallelize # the libgfortran.a path needs to be set explicitly libgfortran = `$FC --print-file-name libgfortran.a`.chomp ENV.append 'LDFLAGS', "-L#{File.dirname(libgfortran)} -lgfortran" system "./configure", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--disable-static" system "make install" # install all the model data (prefix/'data').install resource('data') # for testing (prefix/'03d4ag').install resource('03d4ag') end test do ENV['SALTPATH'] = "#{prefix}/data" cp_r Dir["#{prefix}/03d4ag/*"], '.' system bin/"snfit", testpath/"lc-03D4ag.list" assert File.exist?("result_salt2.dat") end def caveats <<-EOS.undent You should add the following to your .bashrc or equivalent: export SALTPATH=#{prefix}/data EOS end end