require 'formula' class SigningParty < Formula url '' homepage '' md5 '675f8f1edd01baa8b58a743927d13750' depends_on 'gnupg' unless system "/usr/bin/which -s gpg" depends_on 'dialog' depends_on 'qprint' depends_on 'MIME::Tools' => :perl depends_on 'Text::Template' => :perl depends_on 'Text::Iconv' => :perl depends_on 'GnuPG::Interface' => :perl def install # gpgdir and gpgwrap are not included as they have their own homepages # springraph is not included because it depends on the 'GD' perl module # which has its own dependency issues doc.install 'README' chdir 'caff' do inreplace 'caffrc.sample', '/usr/share/doc/signing-party', doc system "make" man1.install Dir['*.1'] bin.install 'caff' (doc+'caff').install Dir['README*', 'caffrc.sample'] end chdir 'gpg-key2ps' do system "make" man1.install 'gpg-key2ps.1' bin.install 'gpg-key2ps' (doc+'key2ps').install 'README' end chdir 'gpg-mailkeys' do inreplace 'gpg-mailkeys', %q[`getent passwd $USER | cut -d: -f5 | cut -d, -f1`], %q[`osascript -e "long user name of (system info)" 2>/dev/null`] bin.install 'gpg-mailkeys' man1.install 'gpg-mailkeys.1' (doc+'gpg-mailkeys').install ['README', 'example.gpg-mailkeysrc'] end chdir 'gpglist' do system "make" bin.install 'gpglist' man1.install 'gpglist.1' end chdir 'gpgparticipants' do bin.install 'gpgparticipants' man1.install 'gpgparticipants.1' end chdir 'gpgsigs' do system "make" man1.install 'gpgsigs.1' bin.install ['gpgsigs', 'gpgsigs-eps-helper'] (doc+'gpgsigs').install Dir['gpgsigs-lt2k5*.txt'] end chdir 'keyanalyze' do system "make" bin.install ['keyanalyze', 'process_keys', 'pgpring/pgpring'] man1.install ['keyanalyze.1', 'process_keys.1', 'pgpring/pgpring.1'] end chdir 'keylookup' do bin.install 'keylookup' man1.install 'keylookup.1' end chdir 'sig2dot' do bin.install 'sig2dot' man1.install 'sig2dot.1' (doc+'sig2dot').install 'README.sig2dot' end end end