class Deno < Formula desc "Secure runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript" homepage "" url "" sha256 "46eb0f8db206393fcddf600b929d47492a1d73f4487eacddad5cf33173bce4f3" license "MIT" bottle do sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, arm64_monterey: "c7010ebf7bf149c2c2a6e3300def96e0c42653a96332ef5a5af10056193af527" sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, arm64_big_sur: "f88bc56f98aa0cbecbc820c486ca2479e469f04581095a6568d0f8e682914e78" sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, monterey: "3b9bc5190a086240c2465fb6fbe10f656b491fa027c3d13957bf0c1064ce44f2" sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, big_sur: "95b4adb5972f1c14cf53bbac232b457ff445b35dd99bb56b69aef11bd3924e04" sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, catalina: "6ce97e063e4361bdbcf3826f19d3a4988a102be1ad3c7d67724ecc74b805a8ec" sha256 x86_64_linux: "874a31da44a1a53d8510e4c1c6f91d08df6d70b149101d015a35edd867b05ebe" end depends_on "llvm" => :build depends_on "ninja" => :build depends_on "python@3.9" => :build depends_on "rust" => :build uses_from_macos "xz" on_macos do depends_on xcode: ["10.0", :build] # required by v8 7.9+ end on_linux do depends_on "pkg-config" => :build depends_on "gcc" depends_on "glib" end fails_with gcc: "5" # To find the version of gn used: # 1. Find v8 version:{version}/core/Cargo.toml # 2. Find ninja_gn_binaries tag:{v8_version}/tools/ # 3. Find short gn commit hash from commit message:{ninja_gn_binaries_tag} # 4. Find full gn commit hash:{gn_commit} resource "gn" do url "", revision: "53d92014bf94c3893886470a1c7c1289f8818db0" end def install if OS.mac? && (MacOS.version < :mojave) # Overwrite Chromium minimum SDK version of 10.15 ENV["FORCE_MAC_SDK_MIN"] = MacOS.version end # env args for building a release build with our python3, ninja and gn ENV.prepend_path "PATH", Formula["python@3.9"].libexec/"bin" ENV["PYTHON"] = Formula["python@3.9"].opt_bin/"python3" ENV["GN"] = buildpath/"gn/out/gn" ENV["NINJA"] = Formula["ninja"].opt_bin/"ninja" # build rusty_v8 from source ENV["V8_FROM_SOURCE"] = "1" # Build with llvm and link against system libc++ (no runtime dep) ENV["CLANG_BASE_PATH"] = Formula["llvm"].prefix ENV.remove "HOMEBREW_LIBRARY_PATHS", Formula["llvm"].opt_lib resource("gn").stage buildpath/"gn" cd "gn" do system "python3", "build/" system "ninja", "-C", "out" end cd "cli" do # cargo seems to build rusty_v8 twice in parallel, which causes problems, # hence the need for -j1 system "cargo", "install", "-vv", "-j1", *std_cargo_args end bash_output = Utils.safe_popen_read(bin/"deno", "completions", "bash") (bash_completion/"deno").write bash_output zsh_output = Utils.safe_popen_read(bin/"deno", "completions", "zsh") (zsh_completion/"_deno").write zsh_output fish_output = Utils.safe_popen_read(bin/"deno", "completions", "fish") (fish_completion/"").write fish_output end test do (testpath/"hello.ts").write <<~EOS console.log("hello", "deno"); EOS assert_match "hello deno", shell_output("#{bin}/deno run hello.ts") assert_match "console.log", shell_output("#{bin}/deno run --allow-read=#{testpath} " \ "#{testpath}/hello.ts") end end