require 'formula' class Nginx < Formula homepage '' url '' sha1 '9c72838973572323535dae10f4e412d671b27a7e' devel do url '' sha1 '4f61368d6a0e340d04d116400616bf3179463df2' end head 'svn://' env :userpaths depends_on 'pcre' option 'with-passenger', 'Compile with support for Phusion Passenger module' option 'with-webdav', 'Compile with support for WebDAV module' option 'with-debug', 'Compile with support for debug log' option 'with-spdy', 'Compile with support for SPDY module' option 'with-gunzip', 'Compile with support for gunzip module' skip_clean 'logs' # Changes default port to 8080 def patches DATA end def passenger_config_args passenger_root = `passenger-config --root`.chomp if return "--add-module=#{passenger_root}/ext/nginx" end puts "Unable to install nginx with passenger support. The passenger" puts "gem must be installed and passenger-config must be in your path" puts "in order to continue." exit end def install args = ["--prefix=#{prefix}", "--with-http_ssl_module", "--with-pcre", "--with-ipv6", "--sbin-path=#{bin}/nginx", "--with-cc-opt=-I#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/include", "--with-ld-opt=-L#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/lib", "--conf-path=#{etc}/nginx/nginx.conf", "--pid-path=#{var}/run/", "--lock-path=#{var}/run/nginx.lock", "--http-client-body-temp-path=#{var}/run/nginx/client_body_temp", "--http-proxy-temp-path=#{var}/run/nginx/proxy_temp", "--http-fastcgi-temp-path=#{var}/run/nginx/fastcgi_temp", "--http-uwsgi-temp-path=#{var}/run/nginx/uwsgi_temp", "--http-scgi-temp-path=#{var}/run/nginx/scgi_temp", "--http-log-path=#{var}/log/nginx", "--with-http_gzip_static_module" ] args << passenger_config_args if build.include? 'with-passenger' args << "--with-http_dav_module" if build.include? 'with-webdav' args << "--with-debug" if build.include? 'with-debug' args << "--with-http_spdy_module" if build.include? 'with-spdy' args << "--with-http_gunzip_module" if build.include? 'with-gunzip' if build.head? system "./auto/configure", *args else system "./configure", *args end system "make" system "make install" man8.install "objs/nginx.8" (var/'run/nginx').mkpath # nginx’s docroot is #{prefix}/html, this isn't useful, so we symlink it # to #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/var/www. The reason we symlink instead of patching # is so the user can redirect it easily to something else if they choose. do dst = HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"var/www" if not dst.exist? dst.dirname.mkpath mv "html", dst else rm_rf "html" dst.mkpath end"#{prefix}/html").make_relative_symlink(dst) end # for most of this formula’s life the binary has been placed in sbin # and Homebrew used to suggest the user copy the plist for nginx to their # ~/Library/LaunchAgents directory. So we need to have a symlink there # for such cases if (HOMEBREW_CELLAR/'nginx').subdirs.any?{|d| (d/:sbin).directory? } sbin.mkpath do (sbin/'nginx').make_relative_symlink(bin/'nginx') end end end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent Docroot is: #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/var/www The default port has been set to 8080 so that nginx can run without sudo. If you want to host pages on your local machine to the wider network you can change the port to 80 in: #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/etc/nginx/nginx.conf You will then need to run nginx as root: `sudo nginx`. EOS end def plist; <<-EOS.undent Label #{plist_name} RunAtLoad KeepAlive ProgramArguments #{opt_prefix}/bin/nginx -g daemon off; WorkingDirectory #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX} EOS end end __END__ --- a/conf/nginx.conf +++ b/conf/nginx.conf @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ #gzip on; server { - listen 80; + listen 8080; server_name localhost; #charset koi8-r;