require 'formula' class GnupgInstalled < Requirement def message; <<-EOS.undent Gnupg is required to use these tools. You can install Gnupg or Gnupg2 with Homebrew: brew install gnupg brew install gnupg2 Or you can use one of several different prepackaged installers that are available. EOS end def satisfied? which 'gpg' or which 'gpg2' end def fatal? false end end class SigningParty < Formula homepage '' url '' md5 '675f8f1edd01baa8b58a743927d13750' depends_on depends_on 'dialog' depends_on 'qprint' depends_on 'MIME::Tools' => :perl depends_on 'Text::Template' => :perl depends_on 'Text::Iconv' => :perl depends_on 'GnuPG::Interface' => :perl def install # gpgdir and gpgwrap are not included as they have their own homepages # springraph is not included because it depends on the 'GD' perl module # which has its own dependency issues doc.install 'README' cd 'caff' do inreplace 'caff', '/usr/share/doc/signing-party', HOMEBREW_PREFIX/'share/doc/signing-party' system "make" man1.install Dir['*.1'] bin.install 'caff' (doc+'caff').install Dir['README*', 'caffrc.sample'] end cd 'gpg-key2ps' do system "make" man1.install 'gpg-key2ps.1' bin.install 'gpg-key2ps' (doc+'key2ps').install 'README' end cd 'gpg-mailkeys' do inreplace 'gpg-mailkeys', %q[`getent passwd $USER | cut -d: -f5 | cut -d, -f1`], %q[`osascript -e "long user name of (system info)" 2>/dev/null`] bin.install 'gpg-mailkeys' man1.install 'gpg-mailkeys.1' (doc+'gpg-mailkeys').install ['README', 'example.gpg-mailkeysrc'] end cd 'gpglist' do system "make" bin.install 'gpglist' man1.install 'gpglist.1' end cd 'gpgparticipants' do bin.install 'gpgparticipants' man1.install 'gpgparticipants.1' end cd 'gpgsigs' do system "make" man1.install 'gpgsigs.1' bin.install 'gpgsigs', 'gpgsigs-eps-helper' (doc+'gpgsigs').install Dir['gpgsigs-lt2k5*.txt'] end cd 'keyanalyze' do system "make" bin.install 'keyanalyze', 'process_keys', 'pgpring/pgpring' man1.install 'keyanalyze.1', 'process_keys.1', 'pgpring/pgpring.1' end cd 'keylookup' do bin.install 'keylookup' man1.install 'keylookup.1' end cd 'sig2dot' do bin.install 'sig2dot' man1.install 'sig2dot.1' (doc+'sig2dot').install 'README.sig2dot' end end end