require 'formula' class Fontforge < Formula homepage '' url '' md5 '5be4dda345b5d73a27cc399df96e463a' head 'git://' depends_on 'pkg-config' => :build depends_on 'gettext' depends_on 'pango' depends_on 'potrace' depends_on :x11 def options [['--without-python', 'Build without Python.']] end fails_with :llvm do build 2336 cause "Compiling cvexportdlg.c fails with error: initializer element is not constant" end def install args = ["--prefix=#{prefix}", "--enable-double", "--without-freetype-bytecode"] args << "--without-python" if ARGV.include? "--without-python" # Fix linker error; see: ENV.append "LDFLAGS", "-lintl" system "./configure", *args # Fix hard-coded install locations that don't respect the target bindir inreplace "Makefile" do |s| s.gsub! "/Applications", "$(prefix)" s.gsub! "ln -s /usr/local/bin/fontforge", "ln -s $(bindir)/fontforge" end # Fix hard-coded include file paths. Reported usptream: # # header_prefix = MacOS.xcode_prefix inreplace %w(fontforge/macbinary.c fontforge/startui.c gutils/giomime.c) do |s| s.gsub! "/Developer", header_prefix end system "make" system "make install" end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent fontforge is an X11 application. To install the Mac OS X wrapper application run: brew linkapps or: ln -s #{prefix}/ /Applications EOS end end