require 'formula' class Mcabber < Formula homepage '' url '' sha1 '7bff70dcf09e8a8a4cc7219e03b48bad382a6bda' head '', :using => :hg option 'enable-enchant', 'Enable spell checking support via enchant' option 'enable-aspell', 'Enable spell checking support via aspell' depends_on 'pkg-config' => :build depends_on 'glib' depends_on 'loudmouth' depends_on 'gpgme' depends_on 'libgcrypt' depends_on 'libotr' depends_on 'libidn' depends_on 'aspell' if build.include? 'enable-aspell' depends_on 'enchant' if build.include? 'enable-enchant' if build.head? depends_on :automake depends_on :libtool end def install if build.head? ENV['LIBTOOLIZE'] = 'glibtoolize' ENV['ACLOCAL'] = "aclocal -I #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/share/aclocal" cd 'mcabber' # Not using block form on purpose inreplace '', 'libtoolize', '$LIBTOOLIZE' inreplace '', 'aclocal', '$ACLOCAL' system "./" end args = ["--disable-debug", "--disable-dependency-tracking", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--enable-otr"] args << "--enable-aspell" if build.include? 'enable-aspell' args << "--enable-enchant" if build.include? 'enable-enchant' system "./configure", *args system "make install" (share+'mcabber').install %w[mcabberrc.example contrib] end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent A configuration file is necessary to start mcabber. The template is here: #{share}/mcabber/mcabberrc.example And there is a Getting Started Guide you will need to setup Mcabber: EOS end end