class Cctools < Formula desc "Binary and cross-compilation tools for Apple" homepage "" if MacOS.version >= :snow_leopard url "" sha256 "751748ddf32c8ea84c175f32792721fa44424dad6acbf163f84f41e9617dbc58" else # 806 (from Xcode 4.1) is the latest version that supports Tiger or PowerPC url "" sha256 "6116c06920112c634f6df2fa8b2f171ee3b90ff2176137da5856336695a6a676" end bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "884da525162c316ea2375417148d696f3db9c0995d54b9caf089c634f46c8424" => :high_sierra sha256 "d1cdbb626ef536c6e25884eafe2bdfb8e2c4d4011e4e37eea9c69b834c55cfe4" => :sierra sha256 "398333f85c3944de889172ca9d3aa5ffd709403ca2225316f130be817f09873a" => :el_capitan sha256 "a76a710f5f164feace5ad107eb40bf5e6a25e916f7334e69ee197a8e3d02b90c" => :yosemite sha256 "3b0c895c6f0832ef9509720ebc15478e188ea6396ba41729273eb64d7b2f7ec2" => :mavericks sha256 "f9f74d98119d2efd5530f8d98eb7838a77be35576880ecec73fe9d535aa2afb0" => :mountain_lion end keg_only :provided_by_macos, "this package duplicates tools shipped by Xcode" depends_on :ld64 cxxstdlib_check :skip if MacOS.version >= :snow_leopard option "with-llvm", "Build with LTO support" depends_on "llvm" => :optional # These patches apply to cctools 855, for newer OSes patch :p0 do url "" sha256 "8ed90e0eef2a3afc810b375f9d3873d1376e16b17f603466508793647939a868" end patch :p0 do url "" sha256 "921cba3546389809500449b08f4275cfd639295ace28661c4f06174b455bf3d4" end patch :p0 do url "" sha256 "f49162b5c5d2753cf19923ff09e90949f01379f8de5604e86c59f67441a1214c" end # Fix building libtool with LTO disabled patch do url "" sha256 "3b687f2b9388ac6c4acac2b7ba28d9fd07f2a16e7d2dad09aa2255d98ec1632b" end # strnlen patch only needed on Snow Leopard if MacOS.version == :snow_leopard patch :p0 do url "" sha256 "b118f94411ad194596102f230abafa2f20262343ab36f2a578c6bdc1ae83ae12" end end else depends_on "cctools-headers" => :build # This set of patches only applies to cctools 806, for older OSes patch :p0 do url "" sha256 "a92f38f0c34749b0988d4bfec77dec3ce3fc27d50a2cf9f3aaffa4277386470c" end patch :p0 do url "" sha256 "6020933a25196660c2eb09d06f2cc4c2b5d67158fd2d99c221a17b63111ff391" end patch :p0 do url "" sha256 "092e2762328477227f9589adf14c14945ebe6f266567deef16754ccc2ecb352d" end # Despite the patch name this is needed on 806 too patch :p0 do url "" sha256 "535fe18d8842b03d23b0be057905f4f685d63b9c6436227b623b7aecd8e6ea83" end patch :p0 do url "" sha256 "a19685c8870bdf270ed0fb8240985d87556be07eef14920ea782e2f5ec076759" end patch :p0 do url "" sha256 "2883e782094e05cbe5bc5a9f672aa775bc23ca0c77d2ecaa931be8b39e3525cb" end end def install ENV.deparallelize # see if build.with? "llvm" inreplace "libstuff/lto.c", "@@LLVM_LIBDIR@@", Formula["llvm"].opt_lib end args = %W[ RC_ProjectSourceVersion=#{version} USE_DEPENDENCY_FILE=NO BUILD_DYLIBS=NO CC=#{} CXX=#{ENV.cxx} LTO=#{"-DLTO_SUPPORT" if build.with? "llvm"} RC_CFLAGS=#{ENV.cflags} TRIE= RC_OS="macos" DSTROOT=#{prefix} ] # Fixes build with gcc-4.2: args << "SDK=-std=gnu99" if archs = "i386 x86_64" else archs = "ppc i386 x86_64" end args << "RC_ARCHS=#{archs}" system "make", "install_tools", *args # cctools installs into a /-style prefix in the supplied DSTROOT, # so need to move the files into the standard paths. # Also merge the /usr and /usr/local trees. man.install Dir["#{prefix}/usr/local/man/*"] prefix.install Dir["#{prefix}/usr/local/*"] bin.install Dir["#{prefix}/usr/bin/*"] (include/"mach-o").install Dir["#{prefix}/usr/include/mach-o/*"] man1.install Dir["#{prefix}/usr/share/man/man1/*"] man3.install Dir["#{prefix}/usr/share/man/man3/*"] man5.install Dir["#{prefix}/usr/share/man/man5/*"] # These install locations changed between 806 and 855 if MacOS.version >= :snow_leopard (libexec/"as").install Dir["#{prefix}/usr/libexec/as/*"] else (libexec/"gcc/darwin").install Dir["#{prefix}/usr/libexec/gcc/darwin/*"] share.install Dir["#{prefix}/usr/share/gprof.*"] end end def caveats; <<~EOS cctools's version of ld was not built. EOS end test do assert_match "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib", shell_output("#{bin}/otool -L #{bin}/install_name_tool") end end