class ZshAsync < Formula desc "Perform tasks asynchronously without external tools" homepage "" url "" sha256 "0f2778cb882b73471569b016bbfa6d9d75572bff40dc7f25ac50b3a8dc94ef47" license "MIT" bottle do sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, all: "70f99dea8c8e873996507d7e7be083fa5ef70cc2f33e92d131c4cc0dacda4a0c" end uses_from_macos "zsh" def install zsh_function.install "async.zsh" => "async" end test do example = <<~ZSH source #{zsh_function}/async async_init # Initialize a new worker (with notify option) async_start_worker my_worker -n # Create a callback function to process results COMPLETED=0 completed_callback() { COMPLETED=$(( COMPLETED + 1 )) print $@ } # Register callback function for the workers completed jobs async_register_callback my_worker completed_callback # Give the worker some tasks to perform async_job my_worker print hello async_job my_worker sleep 0.3 # Wait for the two tasks to be completed while (( COMPLETED < 2 )); do print "Waiting..." sleep 0.1 done print "Completed $COMPLETED tasks!" ZSH assert_match "Completed 2 tasks!", shell_output("zsh -c '#{example}'") end end