class Sslyze < Formula include Language::Python::Virtualenv desc "SSL scanner" homepage "" license "AGPL-3.0-only" revision 1 stable do url "" sha256 "b420aed4c3a527e015be10e0f5ea027b136d88c08697954867b9c6344f2ffab7" resource "nassl" do url "" sha256 "440296e07ee021dc283bfe7b810f3139349e26445bc21b5e05820808e15186a2" # Combination of # and # This can be removed when nassl makes a new release. patch :DATA end end bottle do sha256 cellar: :any, ventura: "38acf0c42f583e91bbd6ec84fe703d5e4cf8aab421b57199e9e101456b6229ed" sha256 cellar: :any, monterey: "6ea1d7be48009eae12ea4bc9e882d48eec64cfc2b5d142224ae1cfb4425647e4" sha256 cellar: :any, big_sur: "29c2995eeff0568f428516a5996c15c7b05e2d959a9cfa07b9cdc582d72d8df7" sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, x86_64_linux: "112719465d19393e7bf1b77b616ba12076f824ea233097b63ca72118aa4b74ce" end head do url "", branch: "release" resource "nassl" do url "", branch: "release" end end depends_on "pyinvoke" => :build depends_on "rust" => :build # for cryptography depends_on arch: :x86_64 # depends_on "openssl@1.1" depends_on "python-typing-extensions" depends_on "python@3.11" uses_from_macos "libffi", since: :catalina resource "cffi" do url "" sha256 "920f0d66a896c2d99f0adbb391f990a84091179542c205fa53ce5787aff87954" end resource "cryptography" do url "" sha256 "f224ad253cc9cea7568f49077007d2263efa57396a2f2f78114066fd54b5c68e" end resource "pycparser" do url "" sha256 "e644fdec12f7872f86c58ff790da456218b10f863970249516d60a5eaca77206" end resource "pydantic" do url "" sha256 "91b8e218852ef6007c2b98cd861601c6a09f1aa32bbbb74fab5b1c33d4a1e410" end resource "tls-parser" do url "" sha256 "3beccf892b0b18f55f7a9a48e3defecd1abe4674001348104823ff42f4cbc06b" end def install venv = virtualenv_create(libexec, "python3.11") venv.pip_install resources.reject { |r| == "nassl" } ENV.prepend_path "PATH", libexec/"bin" resource("nassl").stage do system "invoke", "build.all" venv.pip_install Pathname.pwd end venv.pip_install_and_link buildpath end test do assert_match "SCANS COMPLETED", shell_output("#{bin}/sslyze --mozilla_config=old") refute_match("exception", shell_output("#{bin}/sslyze --certinfo")) end end __END__ diff --git a/ b/ index 7821ebdc15d63caea9dee68b039dd38fbd0d314f..c9b3cfd9870fdd61a62ea22a846b48c09320b780 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -314,11 +314,11 @@ def exe_path(self) -> Path: class ZlibBuildConfig(BuildConfig): @property def src_tar_gz_url(self) -> str: - return "" + return "" @property def src_path(self) -> Path: - return _DEPS_PATH / "zlib-1.2.11" + return _DEPS_PATH / "zlib-1.2.13" def build(self, ctx: Context) -> None: if self.platform in [SupportedPlatformEnum.WINDOWS_32, SupportedPlatformEnum.WINDOWS_64]: