class Ghc < Formula desc "Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System" homepage "" # We build bundled copies of libffi and GMP so GHC inherits the licenses license all_of: [ "BSD-3-Clause", "MIT", # libffi any_of: ["LGPL-3.0-or-later", "GPL-2.0-or-later"], # GMP ] head "", branch: "master" stable do url "" sha256 "e8cef25a6ded1531cda7a90488d0cfb6d780657d16636daa59430be030cd67e2" # Fix build with sphinx-doc 6+. Remove patch when available in release. patch do url "" sha256 "354baeb8727fbbfb6da2e88f9748acaab23bcccb5806f8f59787997753231dbb" end end livecheck do url "" regex(/href=.*?download[._-]ghc[._-][^"' >]+?\.html[^>]*?>\s*?v?(\d+(?:\.\d+)+)\s*? :build depends_on "automake" => :build depends_on "python@3.11" => :build depends_on "sphinx-doc" => :build depends_on macos: :catalina uses_from_macos "m4" => :build uses_from_macos "ncurses" on_linux do depends_on "gmp" => :build end # GHC 9.4.4 user manual recommend use LLVM 9 through 13 # # and we met some unknown issue w/ LLVM 13 before # so conservatively use LLVM 12 here on_arm do depends_on "llvm@12" end # A binary of ghc is needed to bootstrap ghc resource "binary" do on_macos do on_arm do url "" sha256 "b060ad093e0d86573e01b3d1fd622d4892f8d8925cbb7d75a67a01d2a4f27f18" end on_intel do url "" sha256 "6c46f5003f29d09802d572a7c5fabf6c1f91714a474967a5415b15df77fdcd90" end end on_linux do on_arm do url "" sha256 "29c0735ada90cdbf7e4a227dee08f18d74e33ec05d7c681e4ef95b8aa13104b3" end on_intel do url "" sha256 "be1ca5b2864880d7c3623c51f2c2ca773e380624929bf0be8cfadbdb7f4b7154" end end end resource "cabal-install" do on_macos do on_arm do url "" sha256 "f75b129c19cf3aa88cf9885cbf5da6d16f9972c7f770c528ca765b9f0563ada3" end on_intel do url "" sha256 "f5ff69127b0e596b0d7895a2b0b383543aa92ae46d9b1b28f2868d2a97ed0de9" end end on_linux do on_arm do url "" sha256 "c7fa9029f2f829432dd9dcf764e58605fbb7431db79234feb3e46684a9b37214" end on_intel do url "" sha256 "c71a1a46fd42d235bb86be968660815c24950e5da2d1ff4640da025ab520424b" end end end def install ENV["CC"] = ENV["LD"] = "ld" ENV["PYTHON"] = which("python3.11") # Work around `ENV["CC"]` no longer being used unless set to absolute path. # Caused by # Issue ref: # TODO: remove once upstream issue is fixed ENV["ac_cv_path_CC"] = binary = buildpath/"binary" resource("binary").stage do binary_args = [] if OS.linux? binary_args << "--with-gmp-includes=#{Formula["gmp"].opt_include}" binary_args << "--with-gmp-libraries=#{Formula["gmp"].opt_lib}" end system "./configure", "--prefix=#{binary}", *binary_args ENV.deparallelize { system "make", "install" } ENV.prepend_path "PATH", binary/"bin" end resource("cabal-install").stage { (binary/"bin").install "cabal" } system "cabal", "v2-update" if build.head? cabal_args = std_cabal_v2_args.reject { |s| s["installdir"] } system "cabal", "v2-install", "alex", "happy", *cabal_args, "--installdir=#{binary}/bin" system "./boot" end system "./configure", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--disable-numa", "--with-intree-gmp" hadrian_args = %W[ -j#{ENV.make_jobs} --prefix=#{prefix} --flavour=release --docs=no-sphinx-pdfs ] # Work around linkage error due to RPATH in ghc-iserv-dyn-ghc # Issue ref: unless build.head? os = OS.mac? ? "osx" : OS.kernel_name.downcase cpu = Hardware::CPU.arm? ? "aarch64" : Hardware::CPU.arch.to_s extra_rpath = rpath(source: lib/"ghc-#{version}/bin", target: lib/"ghc-#{version}/lib/#{cpu}-#{os}-ghc-#{version}") hadrian_args << "* += -optl-Wl,-rpath,#{extra_rpath}" end # Let hadrian handle its own parallelization ENV.deparallelize { system "hadrian/build", "install", *hadrian_args } bash_completion.install "utils/completion/ghc.bash" => "ghc" ghc_libdir = build.head? ? lib.glob("ghc-*").first : lib/"ghc-#{version}" (ghc_libdir/"lib/package.conf.d/package.cache").unlink (ghc_libdir/"lib/package.conf.d/package.cache.lock").unlink bin.env_script_all_files libexec, PATH: "${PATH}:#{Formula["llvm@12"].opt_bin}" if Hardware::CPU.arm? end def post_install system "#{bin}/ghc-pkg", "recache" end test do (testpath/"hello.hs").write('main = putStrLn "Hello Homebrew"') assert_match "Hello Homebrew", shell_output("#{bin}/runghc hello.hs") end end