class Fits < Formula desc "File Information Tool Set" homepage "" url "" sha256 "54a557cd1e559b4473dbbdd6bab561911ffaf090dfba258fab79604b50c3a46b" bottle do cellar :any sha256 "c7a4dddded2fdb365b582a036dc8d0974848b22dc8f4684ec8b345d9ca5dc9a8" => :high_sierra sha256 "9a6d083c8c70fb75240e94b9a05a4db864eb9de6f718e2ff98e5cbe6e87f094e" => :sierra sha256 "022efd61e0b8f100f30f84bb1223b6b6c28198bcc278721424fbfdf32a5c87d8" => :el_capitan sha256 "b8a7e8240957b2347a4a90dbd15c671b6610809b3b39b887b9231210bd1f0874" => :yosemite end depends_on "ant" => :build depends_on :java => "1.7+" def install system "ant", "clean-compile-jar", "-noinput" libexec.install "lib", %w[tools xml], Dir["*.properties"] (libexec/"lib").install "lib-fits/fits-#{version}.jar" inreplace "" do |s| s.gsub! /^FITS_HOME=.*/, "FITS_HOME=#{libexec}" s.gsub! "${FITS_HOME}/lib", libexec/"lib" end inreplace %w[], %r{\$\(dirname .*\)\/fits-env\.sh}, "#{libexec}/" # is a helper script that sets up environment # variables, so we want to tuck this away in libexec libexec.install "" bin.install "", "" bin.install_symlink bin/"" => "fits" bin.install_symlink bin/"" => "fits-ngserver" end test do assert_match 'mimetype="audio/mpeg"', shell_output("#{bin}/fits -i #{test_fixtures "test.mp3"}") end end