class Rke < Formula desc "Rancher Kubernetes Engine, a Kubernetes installer that works everywhere" homepage "" url "" sha256 "1a508964661142046d93fa7a8b49031fc5a0c541d29a726ca87ab13d4e043c96" license "Apache-2.0" # It's necessary to check releases instead of tags here (to avoid upstream # tag issues) but we can't use the `GithubLatest` strategy because upstream # creates releases for more than one minor version (i.e., the "latest" release # isn't the newest version at times). We normally avoid checking the releases # page because pagination can cause problems but this is our only choice. livecheck do url "" regex(%r{href=["']?[^"' >]*?/tag/v?(\d+(?:\.\d+)+)["' >]}i) strategy :page_match end bottle do sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, arm64_monterey: "cc006e3ca62c06bca1b0b91bb1c7328f1733545a0c3e1c5ce444e40d5424ad36" sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, arm64_big_sur: "04185a1567a408204b9105522859ab2fecf976e9fc6607fe659dcca9634e7e14" sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, monterey: "e1bebdc27a66baf60f5143d82735a94e69d463bb3cb13055099658cc7d593524" sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, big_sur: "c0fe766bc6fdcb9cfe8f61d95d9d80617ec8344462a37ffadc6a88ddf5c27bec" sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, catalina: "b9e257b24818ef8cb4059ed17f0b2d60f0618158af3b77d94847309955509355" sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, x86_64_linux: "4248f3a2fe35ca767f80f5dd09d16aba4ca0b91eb6163e110086158f0c094a64" end depends_on "go" => :build def install system "go", "build", "-ldflags", "-w -X main.VERSION=v#{version}", "-o", bin/"rke" end test do system bin/"rke", "config", "-e" assert_predicate testpath/"cluster.yml", :exist? end end