require "formula" class UniversalNpm < Requirement fatal true satisfy { which("npm") } def message "npm is required. If you have installed node with `--without-npm` option, reinstall with `--with-npm`." end end class Skinny < Formula homepage "" url "" sha1 "59cba0afb287b06f2a6ddf2d7f2fb238a3653508" depends_on "node" depends_on UniversalNpm option "without-npm-generator", "Yeoman generator will not be installed" def install libexec.install Dir["*"] (bin/"skinny").write <<-EOS.undent #!/bin/bash export PATH=#{bin}:$PATH PREFIX="#{libexec}" exec "#{libexec}/skinny" "$@" EOS end def post_install return if build.without? "npm-generator" cd libexec system "npm", "install", "yo" ln_s libexec/"node_modules/yo/cli.js", bin/"yo" system "npm", "install", "generator-skinny" end test do system bin/"skinny", "new", "myapp" end end