require "formula" class Sqlmap < Formula homepage "" url "" sha1 "25d7c13fc6e8bb55a1b4d9ba60a7ebd558ad0374" head "" option "with-mysql", "Install with support for direct connection to MySQL" option "with-postgresql", "Install with support for direct connection to PostgreSQL" option "with-unixodbc", "Install with ODBC driver" depends_on :python if MacOS.version <= :snow_leopard depends_on "mysql" => :optional depends_on "postgresql" => :optional depends_on "unixodbc" => :optional resource "ibm-db" do url "" sha1 "a48bc74ea0aafba5c56c6981db5213a23c55a33c" end resource "impacket" do url "" sha1 "c78855be24f7730182c7914a64b9895f8b244ea2" end resource "mysql-python" do url "" sha1 "9af66e09713a79a08a312a7da87f0f0dccfc0a91" end resource "ntlm" do url "" sha1 "91644247682f9fe128ce63496cf77b53605f085d" end resource "pyodbc" do url "" sha1 "88cb519411116012402aa0a0d5d7484949ddd99c" end resource "psycopg2" do url "" sha1 "96d071f8e4faa07810976640078742b0a944cd13" end resource "pysqlite" do url "" sha1 "b1eed16107232aebec1826b671c99a76e26afa7b" end def install ENV["PYTHONPATH"] = lib+"python2.7/site-packages" ENV.prepend_create_path "PYTHONPATH", libexec+"lib/python2.7/site-packages" install_args = [ "", "install", "--prefix=#{libexec}" ] res = %w{ibm-db impacket ntlm pysqlite} res << "mysql-python" if build.with? "mysql" res << "psycopg2" if build.with? "postgresql" res << "pyodbc" if build.with? "unixodbc" res.each do |r| resource(r).stage { system "python", *install_args } end prefix.install "doc", "extra", "plugins", "shell", "tamper", "txt", "udf", "xml", "sqlmap.conf" bin.install "" (libexec+"lib").install Dir["lib/*"] if build.head? prefix.install "procs", "thirdparty", "waf" bin.install "" end bin.env_script_all_files(prefix, :PYTHONPATH => ENV["PYTHONPATH"] + ':' + libexec) bin.install_symlink bin+"" => "sqlmap" end test do system bin+"sqlmap", "--version" end end