class V8 < Formula desc "Google's JavaScript engine" homepage "" # Track V8 version from Chrome stable: url "" sha256 "7b7e421fef178eb220fb135c9a4ae55beb0b5a2639c2896143fa1a9960ef00a4" license "BSD-3-Clause" livecheck do url "" regex(/"v8_version": "v?(\d+(?:\.\d+)+)"/i) end bottle do sha256 cellar: :any, arm64_big_sur: "53088cb6df741001ff8ef989d73229009d95603ae9d61dabb2362fd782a3bf7d" sha256 cellar: :any, big_sur: "9076403932bf4e554e51bff63d8ec7b122522fda1e259659c7c1db53e6699b91" sha256 cellar: :any, catalina: "5e270b464f7d3d2b6ee171d9b481fac7924827632ae84673d03744244b4d37e9" sha256 cellar: :any, mojave: "78dc0ec1b2ddf1fd185370ce963849bffaf28fa969d32b800b7ba2af0abf0806" end depends_on "llvm" => :build depends_on "ninja" => :build depends_on xcode: ["10.0", :build] # required by v8 # Look up the correct resource revisions in the DEP file of the specific releases tag # e.g. for CIPD dependency gn: resource "gn" do url "", revision: "dfcbc6fed0a8352696f92d67ccad54048ad182b3" end # e.g.: for the revision of build for v8 resource "v8/build" do url "", revision: "446bf3e5a00bfe4fd99d91cb76ec3b3a7b34d226" end resource "v8/third_party/icu" do url "", revision: "e05b663d1c50b4e9ecc3ff9325f5158f1d071471" end resource "v8/base/trace_event/common" do url "", revision: "7af6071eddf11ad91fbd5df54138f9d3c6d980d5" end resource "v8/third_party/googletest/src" do url "", revision: "1e315c5b1a62707fac9b8f1d4e03180ee7507f98" end resource "v8/third_party/jinja2" do url "", revision: "11b6b3e5971d760bd2d310f77643f55a818a6d25" end resource "v8/third_party/markupsafe" do url "", revision: "0944e71f4b2cb9a871bcbe353f95e889b64a611a" end resource "v8/third_party/zlib" do url "", revision: "348acca950b1d6de784a954f4fda0952046c652c" end def install (buildpath/"build").install resource("v8/build") (buildpath/"third_party/jinja2").install resource("v8/third_party/jinja2") (buildpath/"third_party/markupsafe").install resource("v8/third_party/markupsafe") (buildpath/"third_party/googletest/src").install resource("v8/third_party/googletest/src") (buildpath/"base/trace_event/common").install resource("v8/base/trace_event/common") (buildpath/"third_party/icu").install resource("v8/third_party/icu") (buildpath/"third_party/zlib").install resource("v8/third_party/zlib") # Build gn from source and add it to the PATH (buildpath/"gn").install resource("gn") cd "gn" do system "python", "build/" system "ninja", "-C", "out/", "gn" end ENV.prepend_path "PATH", buildpath/"gn/out" # create gclient_args.gni (buildpath/"build/config/gclient_args.gni").write <<~EOS declare_args() { checkout_google_benchmark = false } EOS # setup gn args gn_args = { is_debug: false, is_component_build: true, v8_use_external_startup_data: false, v8_enable_i18n_support: true, # enables i18n support with icu clang_base_path: "\"#{Formula["llvm"].opt_prefix}\"", # uses Homebrew clang instead of Google clang clang_use_chrome_plugins: false, # disable the usage of Google's custom clang plugins use_custom_libcxx: false, # uses system libc++ instead of Google's custom one treat_warnings_as_errors: false, # ignore not yet supported clang argument warnings } # use clang from homebrew llvm formula, because the system clang is unreliable ENV.remove "HOMEBREW_LIBRARY_PATHS", Formula["llvm"].opt_lib # but link against system libc++ # Transform to args string gn_args_string = { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join(" ") # Build with gn + ninja system "gn", "gen", "--args=#{gn_args_string}", "" system "ninja", "-j", ENV.make_jobs, "-C", "", "-v", "d8" # Install all the things (libexec/"include").install Dir["include/*"] libexec.install Dir["*.dylib", "", ""] bin.write_exec_script libexec/"d8" end test do assert_equal "Hello World!", shell_output("#{bin}/d8 -e 'print(\"Hello World!\");'").chomp t = "#{bin}/d8 -e 'print(new Intl.DateTimeFormat(\"en-US\").format(new Date(\"2012-12-20T03:00:00\")));'" assert_match %r{12/\d{2}/2012}, shell_output(t).chomp (testpath/"test.cpp").write <<~EOS #include #include int main(){ static std::unique_ptr platform = v8::platform::NewDefaultPlatform(); v8::V8::InitializePlatform(platform.get()); v8::V8::Initialize(); return 0; } EOS # link against installed libc++ system ENV.cxx, "-std=c++14", "test.cpp", "-I#{libexec}/include", "-L#{libexec}", "-lv8", "-lv8_libplatform" end end