require "language/go" class GxGo < Formula desc "Tool to use with the gx package manager for packages written in go." homepage "" url "" sha256 "68f8330ed80e84cc3466a2954a1c49d7380971f02f43a7c72ed7b65f85e91710" head "" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "44d9c3dfd5cf95085c7195c989c7c010c6a32395a9fa99cee24e204630674303" => :el_capitan sha256 "fb3d64a2a1f09e6f965f4f924644031015d3f1a5687d110ae5838c57b3b71154" => :yosemite sha256 "0da3f20f2f43cbf1b2186f75f8107d3ae42989f30a48569b7dd5d70ba1aabf5a" => :mavericks end depends_on "go" => :build go_resource "" do url "", revision: "05fe449c81eb7305a34e9253c321c960a1c5e057" end go_resource "" do url "", revision: "49d8bc426f918f3d5c0cc721e61e820c2f94943c" end go_resource "" do url "", revision: "6237cf65f3a6f7111cd8a42be3590df99a66bc7d" end go_resource "" do url "", revision: "1dd0034f7fe862dd8dc86a02602ff6f9e546f5fe" end go_resource "" do url "", revision: "ff394cdaae087d110150f15418ea4585c23541c6" end go_resource "" do url "", revision: "5bb8e87657d874eea0af6366dc6336c4d819e7c1" end go_resource "" do url "", revision: "3ac97f61ef67a6b87b95c1282f6c317ed0e693c2" end go_resource "" do url "", revision: "2788f0dbd16903de03cb8186e5c7d97b69ad387b" end go_resource "" do url "", revision: "756f7b183b7ab78acdbbee5c7f392838ed459dda" end go_resource "" do url "", revision: "228fcfa2a06e870a3ef238d54c45ea847f492a37" end go_resource "" do url "", revision: "3be93d9f6b618f2b8564bfb1d22f1e744eabbae2" end go_resource "" do url "", revision: "7769c5d1c59ddc1013e8454bdd1f5a0c834e82fa" end go_resource "" do url "", revision: "206f8f13aae1697a6fc1f4a55799faf955971fc5" end go_resource "" do url "", revision: "beab27159606f5a7c978268dd1c3b12a0f1de8a7" end go_resource "" do url "", revision: "b35ccbc95a0eaae49fb65c5d627cb7149ed8d1ab" end def install ENV["GOPATH"] = buildpath mkdir_p "src/" ln_s buildpath, "src/" Language::Go.stage_deps resources, buildpath/"src" system "go", "build", "-o", bin/"gx-go" end test do system bin/"gx-go", "help" end end