class ArgpStandalone < Formula desc "Standalone version of arguments parsing functions from GLIBC" homepage "" url "" sha256 "dec79694da1319acd2238ce95df57f3680fea2482096e483323fddf3d818d8be" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation rebuild 1 sha256 "10627e72c0e0eb66cbd03a2beb767c06b8edad4bef01914de7f7c6c1be33a356" => :sierra sha256 "798e6ddb78957f9ad33662287b5971aaf3a43f3646e84691d56b3b85ca06d47f" => :el_capitan sha256 "c926ac0ad3b8dbb8c3e08299ade556470f81d3a88eb51dc60e7cfe107da533e8" => :yosemite sha256 "789a73a54793c058ee419824d76d603562d56fe6c2bce37c6b5b47f8f0ddce2a" => :mavericks sha256 "c1d91ec4ec7f0abee15fa5f58860057d8e8c58e25fd9231107f716bcd5e2a607" => :mountain_lion end # This patch fixes compilation with Clang. patch :p0 do url "" sha256 "5656273f622fdb7ca7cf1f98c0c9529bed461d23718bc2a6a85986e4f8ed1cb8" end conflicts_with "gpgme", because: "gpgme picks it up during compile & fails to build" def install system "./configure", "--prefix=#{prefix}" system "make", "install" lib.install "libargp.a" include.install "argp.h" end test do (testpath/"test.c").write <<-EOS.undent #include #include int main(int argc, char ** argv) { return argp_parse(0, argc, argv, 0, 0, 0); } EOS system, "test.c", "-L#{lib}", "-largp", "-o", "test" system "./test" end end