require 'formula' class Djview4 < Formula url '' homepage '' md5 '642105970467cf0864c0073140d1fa11' depends_on 'djvulibre' depends_on 'qt' def install # Added bug upstream to fix this: # inreplace "" do |s| s.gsub! '${INSTALL_PROGRAM} src/djview ${DESTDIR}${bindir}/djview4', '/bin/cp -r src/ ${DESTDIR}${prefix}' end system "./configure", "--disable-debug", "--disable-dependency-tracking", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--with-x=no", "--disable-desktopfiles" system "make" system "make install" # Remove bad symlink created by make install bin.rmtree end def caveats; <<-EOS was installed in: #{prefix} To symlink into ~/Applications, you can do: brew linkapps EOS end end