require 'formula' class Hllib < Formula homepage '' url '' md5 'd89d53ff40a58062e13d5676fb871742' version '2.4.2' def install # Library cd 'HLLib' do # Set perms so we can replace the strings chmod 0777, 'Makefile' inreplace 'Makefile' do |s| # Set prefix correctly s.gsub! '/usr/local', prefix # Remove -soname directive s.gsub! '-shared -Wl,-soname,', '-shared -Wl' # Ownership isn't needed here s.gsub! %r{ -[og] root}, '' # .dylib is the OS X equivalent of .so s.gsub! '$(HLLIB_VERS)', 'libhl.$(HLLIB_VERS).dylib' s.gsub! '$(PREFIX)/lib/', '$(PREFIX)/lib/libhl.2.dylib' s.gsub! '$(PREFIX)/lib/', '$(PREFIX)/lib/libhl.dylib' end # Install system "make install" end # Extract tool cd 'HLExtract' do # Set prefix correctly chmod 0777, 'Main.c' # Fix limits header for OS X inreplace 'Main.c', 'linux/limits.h', 'limits.h' # OS X friendly binary name inreplace 'Main.c', 'HLExtract.exe', 'hlextract' # Make the binary build path and build bin.mkpath system, 'Main.c', "-I#{include}", "-L#{lib}", '-lhl', '-o', bin+'hlextract' end end end