class StyleCheck < Formula desc "Parses latex-formatted text in search of forbidden phrases" homepage "" url "" sha256 "2ae806fcce9e3b80162c64634422dc32d7f0e6f8a81ba5bc7879358744b4e119" license "GPL-2.0" revision 1 # The homepage links to an unversioned tarball (style-check-current.tar.gz) # and the GitHub repository ( has no # tags. livecheck do skip "No version information available to check" end bottle do sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, all: "0e16c4ab38be982971253cf502fea88db6ee637c3dcdee98c5256ac663ab7dad" end uses_from_macos "ruby" # Fix compatibility with Ruby 3.2. # Should be deletable on next release. patch :DATA def install inreplace "style-check.rb", "/etc/style-check.d/", etc/"style-check.d/" system "make", "PREFIX=#{prefix}", "SYSCONFDIR=#{etc}/style-check.d", "install" end test do (testpath/".style-censor").write "homebrew % capitalize Homebrew\n" (testpath/"paper.tex").write "Today I worked on homebrew\n" system "#{bin}/style-check.rb", "-v", "paper.tex" end end __END__ diff --git a/style-check.rb b/style-check.rb index 893a59f..43e0e84 100755 --- a/style-check.rb +++ b/style-check.rb @@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ def do_cns(line, file, linenum, phra_hash) if(detected = phra_hash.keys.detect { |r| m = r.match(line) and (line.index("\n") == nil or m.begin(0) < line.index("\n")) } ) then matchedlines = ( m.end(0) <= ( line.index("\n") or 0 ) ) ? line.gsub(/\n.*/,'') : line.chomp puts "%s:%d:%s%d: %s (%s)" % [ file, linenum, Gedit_Mode ? ' ': '', m.begin(0)+1, matchedlines,"\n", ' ') ] - $exit_status = 1 if(!phra_hash[detected] =~ /\?\s*$/) + $exit_status = 1 if(! /\?\s*$/.match(phra_hash[detected])) if($VERBOSE && phra_hash[detected]) then puts " " + phra_hash[detected] phra_hash[detected] = nil # don't print the reason more than once