class Odin < Formula desc "Programming language with focus on simplicity, performance and modern systems" homepage "" url "", tag: "dev-2022-09", revision: "74458ab09676d3b66364f8c4679afb53fcf1b4f7" version "2022-09" license "BSD-3-Clause" revision 1 head "", branch: "master" bottle do sha256 cellar: :any, arm64_monterey: "060b19df4c64ad284cc3bf4f4c5cac35481c60b792d788f7a9df8f77ff43bb66" sha256 cellar: :any, arm64_big_sur: "c55c9fdd113dceadbbf46f16894f5dc3225eff30ac3f5884501905ea02a5ccb8" sha256 cellar: :any, monterey: "46cb8ef05f5eb318f838fe26bf03f5b2b53c2eec7383ca2d4596869949c1b17a" sha256 cellar: :any, big_sur: "43b30072088d6540c0c5dcbd10d22d887fa89b7f2068e0d58922d4bb1ff2a081" sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, x86_64_linux: "8b616ffb6882e66385e008469cd02cbf129f7e2c0cec01b5e8cfad1eba517ccf" end depends_on "llvm@14" # Build failure on macOS 10.15 due to `__ulock_wait2` usage. # Issue ref: depends_on macos: :big_sur fails_with gcc: "5" # LLVM is built with GCC def install llvm = { |f|^llvm(@\d+(\.\d+)*)?$/) } # Keep version number consistent and reproducible for tagged releases. # Issue ref: inreplace "", "dev-$(date +\"%Y-%m\")", "dev-#{version}" unless build.head? system "make", "release" libexec.install "odin", "core", "shared" (bin/"odin").write <<~EOS #!/bin/bash export PATH="#{llvm.opt_bin}:$PATH" exec -a odin "#{libexec}/odin" "$@" EOS pkgshare.install "examples" end test do assert_match version.to_s, shell_output("#{bin}/odin version") (testpath/"hellope.odin").write <<~EOS package main import "core:fmt" main :: proc() { fmt.println("Hellope!"); } EOS system "#{bin}/odin", "build", "hellope.odin", "-file" assert_equal "Hellope!\n", shell_output("./hellope.bin") end end