require 'formula' class Wine < Formula if ARGV.flag? '--devel' url '' sha1 'c0b6137671fc2413ad72c3aa9eb3046a871f7889' else url '' sha1 '8b37c8e0230dd6a665d310054f4e36dcbdab7330' end homepage '' head 'git://' depends_on 'jpeg' depends_on 'libicns' depends_on 'gnutls' # the following libraries are currently not specified as dependencies, or not built as 32-bit: # configure: libsane, libv4l, libgphoto2, liblcms, gstreamer-0.10, libcapi20, libgsm, libtiff # Wine loads many libraries lazily using dlopen calls, so it needs these paths # to be searched by dyld. # Including /usr/lib because wine, as of 1.3.15, tries to dlopen # libncurses.5.4.dylib, and fails to find it without the fallback path. def wine_wrapper; <<-EOS #!/bin/sh DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/X11/lib:#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/lib:/usr/lib" "#{bin}/wine.bin" "$@" EOS end def install fails_with_llvm ENV.x11 # Build 32-bit; Wine doesn't support 64-bit host builds on OS X. build32 = "-arch i386 -m32" ENV["LIBS"] = "-lGL -lGLU" ENV.append "CFLAGS", build32 ENV.append "CXXFLAGS", "-D_DARWIN_NO_64_BIT_INODE" ENV.append "LDFLAGS", "#{build32} -framework CoreServices -lz -lGL -lGLU" args = ["--prefix=#{prefix}", "--x-include=/usr/X11/include/", "--x-lib=/usr/X11/lib/", "--with-x", "--with-coreaudio", "--with-opengl"] args << "--disable-win16" if MACOS_VERSION < 10.6 # 64-bit builds of mpg123 are incompatible with 32-bit builds of Wine args << "--without-mpg123" if Hardware.is_64_bit? system "./configure", *args system "make install" # Don't need Gnome desktop support rm_rf share+'applications' # Use a wrapper script, so rename wine to wine.bin # and name our startup script wine mv (bin+'wine'), (bin+'wine.bin') (bin+'wine').write(wine_wrapper) end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent For a more full-featured install, try: You may also want to get winetricks: brew install winetricks To use 3D applications, like games, check "Emulate a virtual desktop" in winecfg's "Graphics" tab. EOS end end