require 'formula' class Distribute < Formula url '' homepage '' md5 'ac607e05682116c06383b27a15e2db90' def caveats <<-EOS.undent This formula is only meant to be used against a Homebrew-built Python. It will install itself directly into Python's location in the Cellar. EOS end def install python = Formula.factory("python") unless python.installed? onoe "The Distribute brew is only meant to be used against a Homebrew-built Python." puts <<-EOS Homebrew's "distribute" formula is only meant to be installed against a Homebrew- built version of Python, but we couldn't find such a version. The system-provided Python comes with "easy_install" already installed, with the caveat that some Python packages don't install cleanly against Apple's customized versions of Python. To install distribute against a custom Python, download distribute from: unzip, and run: /path/to/custom/python install EOS exit 99 end system "#{python.bin}/python", "", "install", "--install-scripts", bin, "--install-purelib", python.site_packages, "--install-platlib", python.site_packages (prefix+"README.homebrew").write <<-EOF distribute's libraries were installed directly into: #{python.site_packages} EOF end end