require 'formula' class PythonWithGdbm < Requirement def message; <<-EOS.undent The Python being used does not include gdbm support, but it is required to build this formula: #{which 'python'} Homebrew's Python includes gdbm support. EOS end def satisfied? quiet_system "python", "-c", "import gdbm" end def fatal? true end end class Cvs2svn < Formula url '' homepage '' sha1 '545237805ddb241054ba40b105b9c29b705539b8' depends_on def install system "python", "", "install", "--prefix=#{prefix}" system "make man" man1.install gzip('cvs2svn.1', 'cvs2git.1', 'cvs2bzr.1') prefix.install %w[ BUGS COMMITTERS HACKING cvs2bzr-example.options cvs2git-example.options cvs2hg-example.options cvs2svn-example.options contrib ] doc.install Dir['doc/*'] doc.install Dir['www/*'] end def caveats; <<-EOF NOTE: man pages have been installed, but for better documentation see: #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/share/doc/cvs2svn/cvs2svn.html or Contrib scripts and example options files are installed in: #{prefix} EOF end end