class Mgba < Formula desc "Game Boy Advance emulator" homepage "" url "" sha256 "6b94873dac9040fd6fd9f13f76dc48f342e954f3b4cf82717b59601c3a32b72c" license "MPL-2.0" revision 3 head "" livecheck do url :stable strategy :github_latest end bottle do sha256 arm64_big_sur: "2e960f93ae91956ddbbf80541ca176d92585cadc4f3d0537bfc7a166ea9e6e59" sha256 big_sur: "b6534f335f4c25154cf5e38913a3b5166bf7e96c884409b54219032c34346459" sha256 catalina: "ae0565f81f06458602216f061e52872d2e5a20ba1399577d1819e507c66e08fe" sha256 mojave: "b98b2cc7c4d6a8cc6af107196c290538d8555656a27c46844e1c169ceb4e8181" end depends_on "cmake" => :build depends_on "pkg-config" => :build depends_on "ffmpeg" depends_on "libepoxy" depends_on "libpng" depends_on "libzip" depends_on "qt@5" depends_on "sdl2" def install # Install .app bundle into prefix, not prefix/Applications inreplace "src/platform/qt/CMakeLists.txt", "Applications", "." system "cmake", ".", *std_cmake_args system "make", "install" # Replace SDL frontend binary with a script for running Qt frontend # -DBUILD_SDL=OFF would be easier, but disable joystick support in Qt frontend rm bin/"mgba" bin.write_exec_script "#{prefix}/" end test do system "#{bin}/mGBA", "-h" end end