require 'formula' class Clisp < Formula url '' homepage '' md5 '1962b99d5e530390ec3829236d168649' depends_on 'libiconv' depends_on 'libsigsegv' depends_on 'readline' skip_clean :all # otherwise abort trap fails_with_llvm "Fails during configure with LLVM GCC from XCode 4 on Snow Leopard" def install ENV.j1 # This build isn't parallel safe. # Clisp requires to select word size explicitly this way, # set it in CFLAGS won't work. ENV['CC'] = "#{} -m#{MacOS.prefer_64_bit? ? 64 : 32}" system "./configure", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--with-readline=yes" cd "src" do # Multiple -O options will be in the generated Makefile, # make Homebrew's the last such option so it's effective. inreplace "Makefile" do |s| cf = s.get_make_var("CFLAGS") cf.gsub! ENV['CFLAGS'], '' cf += ' '+ENV['CFLAGS'] s.change_make_var! 'CFLAGS', cf end # The ulimit must be set, otherwise `make` will fail and tell you to do so system "ulimit -s 16384 && make" if MacOS.lion? opoo "`make check` fails on Lion, so we are skipping it." puts "But it probably means there will be other issues too." puts "Please take them upstream to the clisp project itself." else # Considering the complexity of this package, a self-check is highly recommended. system "make check" end system "make install" end end def test system "clisp --version" end end