require 'formula' class Lilypond < Formula homepage '' url '' sha1 '1eb3b0e5c117a8669dba19ab28f933351e51e39a' devel do url '' sha1 'b96b5f692785c2ee3e204cf15520327792efacb6' end env :std option 'with-doc', "Build documentation in addition to binaries (may require several hours)." depends_on :tex depends_on :x11 depends_on 'pkg-config' => :build depends_on 'gettext' depends_on 'pango' depends_on 'guile' depends_on 'ghostscript' depends_on 'mftrace' depends_on 'fontforge' => ["with-x", "with-cairo"] depends_on 'texinfo' depends_on 'fondu' # Add dependency on keg-only Homebrew 'flex' because Apple bundles an older and incompatible # version of the library with 10.7 at least, seems slow keeping up with updates, # and the extra brew is tiny anyway. depends_on 'flex' => :build # Assert documentation dependencies if requested. if build.include? 'with-doc' depends_on 'netpbm' depends_on 'imagemagick' depends_on 'docbook' depends_on, 'dblatex', 'dbtexmf.dblatex') depends_on 'texi2html' end fails_with :clang do cause 'Strict C99 compliance error in a pointer conversion.' end def install gs = Formula.factory('ghostscript') args = ["--prefix=#{prefix}", "--enable-rpath", "--with-ncsb-dir=#{gs.share}/ghostscript/fonts/"] args << "--disable-documentation" unless build.include? 'with-doc' system "./configure", *args # Separate steps to ensure that lilypond's custom fonts are created. system 'make all' system "make install" # Build documentation if requested. if build.include? 'with-doc' system "make doc" system "make install-doc" end end test do (testpath/'').write <<-EOS.undent \\header { title = "Do-Re-Mi" } { c' d' e' } EOS system "#{bin}/lilypond", "" end end