require 'formula' class Audiofile < Formula homepage '' url '' sha1 '3aba3ef724b1b5f88cfc20ab9f8ce098e6c35a0e' option 'with-lcov', 'Enable Code Coverage support using lcov' option 'with-check', 'Run the test suite during install ~30sec' depends_on 'lcov' => :optional def install args = ["--disable-dependency-tracking", "--prefix=#{prefix}"] args << '--enable-coverage' if build.with? 'lcov' system "./configure", *args system "make" system "make check" if build.with? 'check' system "make install" end test do inn = '/System/Library/Sounds/Glass.aiff' out = 'Glass.wav' conv_bin = "#{bin}/sfconvert" info_bin = "#{bin}/sfinfo" unless File.exist?(conv_bin) and File.exist?(inn) and File.exist?(info_bin) opoo <<-EOS.undent One of the following files could not be located, and so the test was not executed: #{inn} #{conv_bin} #{info_bin} Audiofile can also be tested at build-time: brew install -v audiofile --with-check EOS return end system conv_bin, inn, out, 'format', 'wave' system info_bin, '--short', '--reporterror', out end end