require 'formula' class Clang < Formula homepage '' url '' sha1 'ccd6dbf2cdb1189a028b70bcb8a22509c25c74c8' end class Llvm < Formula homepage '' url '' sha1 'c6c22d5593419e3cb47cbcf16d967640e5cce133' bottle do sha1 '61854a2cf08a1398577f74fea191a749bec3e72d' => :mountain_lion sha1 'fbe7b85a50f4b283ad55be020c7ddfbf655435ad' => :lion sha1 'f68fdb89d44a72c83db1e55e25444de4dcde5375' => :snow_leopard end option :universal option 'with-clang', 'Build Clang support library' option 'disable-shared', "Don't build LLVM as a shared library" option 'all-targets', 'Build all target backends' option 'rtti', 'Build with C++ RTTI' option 'disable-assertions', 'Speeds up LLVM, but provides less debug information' depends_on :python => :recommended env :std if build.universal? def install if python and build.include? 'disable-shared' raise 'The Python bindings need the shared library.' end"clang").brew do (buildpath/'tools/clang').install Dir['*'] end if build.with? 'clang' if build.universal? ENV['UNIVERSAL'] = '1' ENV['UNIVERSAL_ARCH'] = Hardware::CPU.universal_archs.join(' ') end ENV['REQUIRES_RTTI'] = '1' if build.include? 'rtti' args = [ "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--enable-optimized", # As of LLVM 3.1, attempting to build ocaml bindings with Homebrew's # OCaml 3.12.1 results in errors. "--disable-bindings", ] if build.include? 'all-targets' args << "--enable-targets=all" else args << "--enable-targets=host" end args << "--enable-shared" unless build.include? 'disable-shared' args << "--disable-assertions" if build.include? 'disable-assertions' system "./configure", *args system 'make', 'VERBOSE=1' system 'make', 'VERBOSE=1', 'install' # install llvm python bindings if python python.site_packages.install buildpath/'bindings/python/llvm' python.site_packages.install buildpath/'tools/clang/bindings/python/clang' if build.with? 'clang' end # Remove all binaries except llvm-config rm_f Dir["#{bin}/*"] - Dir["#{bin}/llvm-config"] # Remove all man pages man.rmtree if build.with? 'clang' end def test system "#{bin}/llvm-config", "--version" end def caveats s = '' s += python.standard_caveats if python s += <<-EOS.undent This formula only provide library components of LLVM. To use full featured LLVM please try the llvm* formulae in homebrew-versions tap, for instance: brew tap homebrew/versions brew install llvm33 Extra tools are installed in #{share}/llvm and #{share}/clang. If you already have LLVM installed, then "brew upgrade llvm" might not work. Instead, try: brew rm llvm && brew install llvm EOS end end